Latest Research News and Updates

  • 4th IMA International Conference on Flood Risk
    Following previous successes, the Energy and Environment Research Group again has teamed up with the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA) to run the 4th IMA International Conference on Flood Risk here on our beautiful Bay Campus.
    Dr Yunqing Xuan, the chair of the organisation committee, says: “Flood Risk Management is one of our main research areas where the E&E group has been thriving to deliver world-class research outcomes and impacts over the years. This conference will facilitate researchers, practitioners and decision-makers working in the field to meet and exchange their views on important technical issues, new and emerging methods and technologies in assessing flood risks in a world that is being altered by the climate change and moving towards an uncertain future.”
    The conference will be held at the ESRI Building, Bay Campus from 12-13 September 2019. Supports from the Ziekiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering are kindly acknowledged. More details about the conference can be found at the website of the conference
  • Prof Dominic Reeve is appointed as the new Head of ZCCE with effect from 01 November 2018
  • Prof Harshinie Karunarathna is appointed as the new lead of the research group with effect from 01 November 2018.
  • Prof Karunarathna succeeded in winning a NERC grant on ‘Mitigating hydro meteorological hazard impacts through transboundary river management in the Ciliwong River Basin, Indonesia’. The project, led by Huddersfield University, will collaborate with leading Indonesian researchers in flood management
  • In September 2018 the group hosted Dr Rebecca Ford from the University of Oxford, for a NRN-LCEE public lecture on ‘Exploring the Energy Revolution: Thinking Big and Small.’ The lecture presented new ways that we need to think about our energy networks, and included the 5 D’s driving energy change around the world: Decarbonisation, Decentralisation, Digitisation, Democratisation and Declining Costs. Dr Ford spoke about some of the research being done in developing countries, particularly around decentralisation of services and then went on to discuss the various levels at which networks need to be considered in order to develop supplies that are fit for purpose in the future. 

  • Dr Xuan held a successful kick-off meeting in Guangzhou on his research project ‘Using advanced weather radar to combat urban flooding’. Representatives from Newton Funds office in Beijing attended the meeting alongside participants from academics, industries and government agencies.
  • Karunarathna held a workshop on ‘Application of Artificial Neural Networks for coastal morphodynamic and hazard forecasting’ at Kansai University, Japan. The workshop was funded by the Great British Sasakawa Foundation.
  • Congratulations to the new Doctors Ali Zuhaira, Yin Yunzhu, William Bennett, Daniel Thompson and Salam Abbas, who successfully completed their PhD studies in summer 2018. Well done!
  • Victoria Jones successfully defended her MSc by research thesis and graduated in summer 2018.
  • Blessing Nwonusike jointed the group as a PhD student. She will study effects of post storm beach recovery on long term morphodynamics.