Donations in memory are a wonderful way to remember someone close to you and celebrate their life. Family and friends sometimes like to have the option of giving a gift to a charity at a funeral or memorial service, perhaps in lieu of funeral flowers, and we are extremely grateful to everyone who chooses to support the University in this way.
A gift of this kind can be arranged by funeral directors who will then send your kind donations to the University. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to organise the collection yourself, you can send a cheque directly to us at the following address:
FAO Development and Engagement
Singleton Abbey
Swansea University
We would be grateful if you did not send cash in the post. If you would like to direct your donation towards a particular project, please let us know in an enclosed letter with the cheque. We would also like to write back and thank you for this special gift, so would be grateful if you could include your address.