News Round Up

Female athletes playing hockey and being tested in a lab

Introducing NNIISH: a new era for sport and health tech innovation in Wales

Swansea University has launched the National Network for Innovation In Sport and Health (NNIISH), a new initiative aimed at transforming the landscape of health and sport technology in Wales. Led by the University and supported by Swansea Bay City Deal and local health boards, NNIISH aims to accelerate the growth of sport tech, med tech and healthcare innovation in the Swansea Bay City Region by bringing together local, national and multinational expertise.

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Students walking on the beach

QS European University Rankings places Swansea University in top 100

Swansea University has been ranked among the top 100 universities in Europe, according to the second edition of the QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025.

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A person engaging with an AI kiosk

New kiosks use VR and AI o explain how they work and why they’re vital

Artificial intelligence (AI) will be helping people learn about semiconductor technology, vital for everything from mobile phones and electric vehicles to satellites, through new interactive kiosks developed by Imersifi, a virtual reality company, and Swansea University experts.

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Image of the book 'The President’s Kill List'

Swansea academic’s new book explores US government’s role in assassinations

In his new book, The President’s Kill List: Assassination in US Foreign Policy Since 1945 (Edinburgh University Press), Dr Luca Trenta, a specialist in US Foreign Policy and associate professor of International Relations at Swansea University, provides a comprehensive overview of the US government’s involvement in assassinations from the early Cold War to the present day.

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Children’s nursing students Rosie Read (left) and Cerys Evans with senior lecturer in child nursing Virginia Beckerman

World-leading simulation training is shaping our health workforce

Healthcare professionals of the future are now reaping the benefits of Swansea University’s groundbreaking training facilities. Swansea University Simulation and Immersive Learning Centre (SUSIM) houses the largest installation of immersive wall technology globally across its two sites.

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Children holding hands running with the sun in the background

New project to tackle tanning perceptions in young people in Wales

A Swansea University-led project hopes to help stop the concerning rise of skin cancer in Wales by exploring current perceptions of tanning in children, parents/carers, and educators. The results will support the development of a new sun-safety educational toolkit for the Welsh curriculum.

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Research Highlights

Mangroves in West Africa

Mangroves and climate change in West Africa

A project team from Swansea University, led by Professor Geoff Proffitt, visited The Gambia to investigate the multiple threats to the country's mangroves and undertake a comprehensive assessment of the mangrove forests, assess water resources and develop more effective restoration methods. 

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A women breastfeeding her baby

Increasing Breastfeeding Rates

Many strategies to support breastfeeding focus on providing practical support for women at an individual level. Whilst this is important, Professor Amy Brown’s research explores wider psycho-social-cultural influences that damage breastfeeding, particularly poor societal level understanding of how breastfeeding works and normal baby behaviour.

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People walking through the countryside

Sustainable Tourism in National Parks

To mitigate the harm caused by tourism Professor Sarah Nicholls, in partnership with Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA), has developed an effective events management process that will enable the PCNPA, and other protected areas across the UK and beyond, to better facilitate enjoyable and safe experiences for all users whilst also maintaining the special qualities of protected lands.

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Swansea Focus

A mobile phone with an image of a hand hold digital imagery of AI

Generative AI: what is it and what are the implications for society?

In this episode of Exploring Global Problems, Professor Yogesh Dwivedi and Dr Laurie Hughes discuss the potential benefits, challenges and risks associated with using generative AI platforms such as ChatGPT in education and the implications that the adoption of generative AI may have for individuals, organisations and institutions in wider society.

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The ruins of an ancient greek temple. Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece on a sunset

The science of beauty: how aesthetics can boost your mood and cognition

In this article from The Conversation, Dr Irene Reppa discusses the science of beauty, and how much we like something and how beautiful we find it, can have a compelling effect on our experience and behaviour.

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Spotlight on

Dr Jun Yang

Early Career Researcher

Dr Jun Yang is a Lecturer in English-Chinese Translation and Interpreting. Her research centres on online collaborative translation which broadly includes crowdsourcing translation and fan translation.

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Gargi Naha

Postgraduate Researcher

Gargi Naha is undertaking a PhD in Medical and Health Care Studies. His research aims to investigate the role of sex and deprivation on young people’s experience of emergency acute asthma care and the outcomes following Emergency Department presentation in Wales.



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Global Drugs Policy Observatory Logo

Research Centre

The Global Drug Policy Observatory aims to promote evidence and human rights based drug policy through the comprehensive and rigorous reporting, monitoring and analysis of policy developments at national and international levels.

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Research Collaborations and Partnerships

thin-film photovoltaic

Moving beyond the 80-year-old solar cell equation

Physicists from Swansea University and Åbo Akademi University have made a significant breakthrough in solar cell technology by developing a new analytical model that improves the understanding and efficiency of thin-film photovoltaic (PV) devices.

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Pictured signing the agreement are Professor Lisa Wallace, Dhanjay Jhurry, Professor Paul Boyle, Professor Judith Lamie and Joel Bruneau.

New partnership to provide nurse training expertise in Mauritius

Nurses in Mauritius will be able to benefit from Swansea University’s award-winning healthcare training as part of a new international collaboration. The University will be providing a one-year BSc Nursing (Top-up) programme after signing a partnership agreement with Mauritian-based Uniciti International Education Hub (UIEH).

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A wind turbine at sea

New funding to support Wales’ development of pioneering marine energy technology

Innovate UK has awarded funding to further optimise a unique and flexible floating offshore wind platform for applications in the Celtic Sea, a collaboration involving Swansea University. Led by Marine Power Systems, Swansea University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering will be working with Ledwood Mechanical Engineering, Tata Steel UK, ABP (Associated British Ports) Port Talbot, and the Port of Milford Haven on the project, which is worth over £800,000.

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A mother and baby chimpanzee

Study on architecture of heart offers new understanding of human evolution

An international research team from Swansea University and UBC Okanagan (UBCO) has uncovered a new insight into human evolution by comparing humans’ hearts with those of other great apes.

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A shark

Sharks have depleted functional diversity compared to the last 66 million years

New research by Swansea University and the University of Zurich has found that sharks retained high levels of functional diversity for most of the last 66 million years, before steadily declining over the last 10 million years to its lowest value in the present day.

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