student looking at testing results

What is a Year in Applied Research?

The Year in Applied Research is an invaluable opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience in a research environment for a period ranging from 9 to 12 months, with a minimum of 40 weeks.

During this time, students immerse themselves in the daily activities of a research group, engaging in multiple projects and developing advanced skills in research methodologies, data analysis, and the use of relevant technologies.

This experience also includes writing technical reports, synthesizing literature, and effectively communicating technical information. Networking opportunities and professional profile building are integral parts of the placement.

Students are expected to achieve a critical understanding of data collection and analysis techniques, research ethics, and health and safety requirements.

The placement culminates in a detailed portfolio and a poster presentation, which are assessed upon the student's return.

Why study a Year in Applied Research?

The Year in Applied Research mode of work-based learning has many benefits to students:

  • Working independently and within a larger research group to generate research ideas and carry out research and analysis
  • Use literature acquisition enabling understanding of recent innovations and developments within the relevant field
  • Exposure and appreciation of research topics within a particular research area
  • Handling complex data sets and undertaking data analysis and display
  • Running and potentially designing experiments
  • Contributing to and producing focused scientific reports in appropriate formats
  • Developing technical skills in a research environment will enhance employability in future role

This programme helps to grow students’ confidence and reaffirm their desire to pursue a career in scientific research. Alternatively, students will gain valuable skills but decide that research is not for them!