- 18 grinding / polishing units
- 3 Auto-polishing Systems
- 2 Electro-polishing units.
- 2 high precision cut-off wheels.
- 3 heated mounting presses.
Materials Preparation Equipment
ATM Saphir 550 AutoPolisher

Gatan Solarus Plasma Cleaner

ATM Opal 410 Mounting Press

Advanced Electron Microscope Preparation Equipment
Hitachi IM4000 Plus Ion Beam Miller

Gatan PIPSII Ion Beam Miller

Struers Tenupol-5 Twin Jet Polisher

Image of Opal 410 & Saphir 550 Courtesy of ATM
Image of Solarus & PIPS II Courtesy of Gatan
Image of Tenupol-5 Courtesy of Struers
Image of IM4000 Courtesy of Hitachi