- Location - Engineering East Room A001
- Dual anode (Mg/Al) X-ray source up to 450W.
- Heating & cooling stage (-100C to +1000C)
- Automated sample manipulation, including ARXPS and rotation during depth profiles.
Find out about the Kratos Axis Supra XPS

XPS is a tool used to study the chemistry of the surface of a material. It gives quantitative chemical stoichiometry for a depth of up to 10 nm. As such, it is a go to analytical technique for studying thin film devices, self-assembled monolayers, surface passivation & catalysts. Industrially, the chemistry in this top 10 nm is key to a quantitative understanding of processes such as cleaning, wetting, adhesion, curing , or for monitoring failure due to surface degradation.
Kratos Axis Supra
The new generation Axis Supra XPS is equipped with monochromated Al Kα & achromatic Mg Kα X-ray sources & using a classic concentric hemispherical analyser routinely. XPS imaging is supported with the option of a spherical mirror analyser to allow resolution to 1 µm. Sample throughput is supported by up to three sample plates of 3 x 7 cm area, which supports relatively large samples. The Axis Supra is also fitted with a state of the art gas cluster ion source, which allows depth profiling of fragile organic films
Image Courtesy of Kratos