"As a company we’ve benefitted greatly from the experience that the ASTUTE team was able to bring. Working with ASTUTE has allowed us to accelerate the R&D that we couldn’t carry out in-house. That then leads on to further innovations and takes the company down a different path that we probably wouldn’t have been able to do without the ASTUTE project."
Three-Sixty Aquaculture Ltd.
Vernacare & WRAP Cymru.
"Vernacare has been interacting with ASTUTE 2020+ since 2011, collaborating on multiple projects to optimise our sustainability, profitability, productivity and product quality. Working in partnership with ASTUTE 2020+ and WRAP Cymru, our aim is to contribute to a greener future by increasing the volume of recycled content in our products as sharps containers are traditionally made from virgin plastic."
Transcript - ASTUTE 2020’s Collaboration with Vernacare & WRAP Cymru
Cintec International.
"Opportunities like the support provided by ASTUTE 2020 demonstrate that EU funding has been paramount for the Welsh region, especially for the manufacturing sector. It encourages us to be forward-thinking and to embrace the support that is available throughout Wales."
British Rototherm Company Ltd.
"So the reason for working with ASTUTE 2020, is they have a significant amount of technical capability, they have access to programs, and software and resources that a company such as Rototherm doesn’t have. They can help to provide confidence to take something that you wouldn’t have gone forward with."
TWI Ltd.
"There have been several benefits and key to all of this has been really the working relationship that has been developed between TWI and two of Wales’ top universities. The advances that we have been able to make in the nozzle design has removed significant barriers to the advancement of the Intacom program and consequently, we have been able to generate two high-quality jobs directly as a result of this intervention."
Lyte Ladders & Towers Ltd.
"It was great to know that there is expertise right on our doorstep in Swansea. We’ve had a great experience working with Swansea University and we’d like the partnership to continue."
Hackwood Fabricated Solutions Ltd.
"Collaboration between industry and academia is an extremely powerful way of overcoming complex engineering problems that lie outside a company's scope of capabilities like ours. Our project with ASTUTE East is a testament to this since we achieved together what we couldn’t have done on our own."
Marine Power Systems Ltd.
"The ASTUTE 2020 team was very supportive and had a diverse and unique skill set which added huge value to the MPS team. I thoroughly recommend anyone with a manufacturing-related project to engage with ASTUTE 2020."