Dr Aled Singleton

Honorary Appointment (Science), Science and Engineering
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


I am a Research Officer who is interested in emotional and affective attachments to space and place. I have a professional background managing community and urban regeneration projects (2006-18) including community asset transfers, landscape architecture, and local economic development. My PhD research focused on the post-war environment: industrial renewal, increased private motor vehicles and semi-detached suburban living.  The includes a film from ESRC Festival of Social Science 2019 and final thesis Pursuing the Post-war Dream (2020). I have previously been a Wales DTP Postdoctral Research Fellow, funded through the ESRC.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Ageing
  • Walking research
  • Attachment to place
  • More-than-representation
  • Urban policy
  • Psychogeography
  • Creative practice
  • Reflexive methods

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

2022: Guest lecturer MSc Sustainable Architecture

2022: Learning by walking: methods and ethics for outdoor research - Swansea University (GEGM15)

2022: Ethnography: Lecturing and assessment of practical task – Swansea University (GEG278)

2021: Digital Theatre Commission, Open Source Wales researching digital space and film.

2021: Webinar facilitator for Society Dataset Digimap, University of Edinburgh

2020 onwards: Lecturing and assessment for MA Creative Writing Non-Fiction – Swansea University (EN-M68)

2015-16: Development of ILM course on Motivational Interviewing techniques - with TSW Training

2015: Production of EmployMedia change management digital resource and toolkit - Bridgend Council

Research Award Highlights Collaborations