Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cefnogi myfyrwyr i gael mewnwelediad i ffactorau a all ddylanwadu ar iechyd a llesiant unigolyn. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn archwilio sut mae ffactorau biolegol, seicolegol a chymdeithasol yn cyfrannu at batrymau chwalfa iechyd ac afiechyd. Bydd dull oes yn cael ei weithredu i alluogi myfyrwyr i ofalu am bobl ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, y gymuned, yr ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd lle mae eu hanghenion yn cael eu cefnogi a'u rheoli.
Contexts of Care (Child)
This module will enable the student to develop an understanding of the current issues that impact service delivery and how clinical practice influences the provision of high-quality, safe, person- centered care across all four fields for individuals in their own homes, community, hospital or any healthcare setting.
Care of the Child and Young Person with a Long Term Condition and Palliative Care Needs (Child)
This module enables the student to develop the requisite knowledge, skills and values to care for children and young people with a range of long term conditions to include palliative/end of life care. The students will learn to recognise the complexity of living with long term health conditions and to appraise the range of approaches to nursing people across all four fields of nursing practice with long term conditions, in the context of multi-professional practice and collaborative working.
Gofal y Plentyn a Pherson Ifanc a Chyflwr Tymor Hir ac Anghenion Gofal Lliniarol (Plentyn)
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddatblygu'r wybodaeth, y sgiliau a'r gwerthoedd angenrheidiol i ofalu am blant a phobl ifanc sydd ag ystod o gyflyrau tymor hir i gynnwys gofal lliniarol / diwedd oes. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn dysgu adnabod cymhlethdod byw gyda chyflyrau iechyd tymor hir ac arfarnu'r ystod o ymagweddau at bobl nyrsio ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio â chyflyrau tymor hir, yng nghyd-destun ymarfer aml-broffesiynol a chydweithio.
Care of the Child and Young Person with a Long Term Condition and Palliative Care Needs (Child)
This module enables the student to develop the requisite knowledge, skills and values to care for children and young people with a range of long term conditions to include palliative/end of life care. The students will learn to recognise the complexity of living with long term health conditions and to appraise the range of approaches to nursing people across all four fields of nursing practice with long term conditions, in the context of multi-professional practice and collaborative working.
Gofal y Plentyn ag Anghenion Cymhleth (Plant)
Nod y modiwl hwn yw paratoi myfyrwyr i ofalu a rheoli sefyllfaoedd gofal cymhleth yn systematig, gan ddangos creadigrwydd, gallu i addasu a blaenoriaethu gwneud penderfyniadau clinigol wrth weithio o fewn eu cwmpas ymarfer ac ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio, ar draws y gymuned, yr ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd.
Care of the Child with Complex Needs (Child)
This module aims to prepare students to care and systematically manage complex care situations, demonstrating creativity, adaptability and the prioritisation of clinical decision making whilst working within their scope of practice and across all four fields of nursing practice, across community, hospital or any healthcare setting.
Paratoi ar gyfer ymarfer proffesiynol (Anabledd Dysgu)
Nod y modiwl hwn yw datblygu gwybodaeth y myfyrwyr o ran deall atebolrwydd a rolau a chyfrifoldebau nyrs gofrestredig. Bydd myfyrwyr yn ystyried arfer proffesiynol mewn perthynas â materion proffesiynol, cymdeithasol-wleidyddol, cyfreithiol a moesegol. Mae¿r modiwl yn galluogi¿r myfyriwr i integreiddio¿r dysgu o theori ac ymarfer a enillwyd yn ystod y rhaglen er mwyn bodloni Nyrs y Dyfodol: safonau hyfedredd ar gyfer nyrsys cofrestredig (NMC, 2018) i alluogi¿r newid o fod yn fyfyriwr i fod yn nyrs gofrestredig.