Professional Practice 1
This is an introductory module that prepares students for work in the healthcare science clinical practice environment.
Enhanced Practice for Upper and/or Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Nurses
This module will provide the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to enhance nursing practice in endoscopy.
Advanced Practice and Education
One of the roles of advanced practice is education, both in terms of self and others. Consequently there is a need for the practitioner to critically evaluate and apply learning theory to themselves and in the practice setting. This module examines the key ideas underpinning some of the main educational theories which students will relate to their own development and clinical practice.
Advanced Practice and Education
One of the roles of advanced practice is education, both in terms of self and others. Consequently there is a need for the practitioner to critically evaluate and apply learning theory to themselves and in the practice setting. This module examines the key ideas underpinning some of the main educational theories which students will relate to their own development and clinical practice.
Parenting and Neonatal Care: supporting additional needs
This module will further develop the students¿ knowledge and understanding of the role of the midwife in caring for women, newborn infants and their families during the transition to parenthood. This includes caring for women, babies and families where there are complications and additional care needs.
This module will build on pre-existing knowledge and develop the student¿s holistic and critical approach to both the care of the newborn and the transition to parenthood.
Cyflwyniad i nyrsio a gofal iechyd (Plant)
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cyflwyno myfyrwyr i'r proffesiwn nyrsio, ei gysyniadau craidd a'i werthoedd sylfaenol fel caiff eu hymgorffori yng Nghod yr NMC. Nod y modiwl yw datblygu gwybodaeth y myfyriwr o ddimensiynau empirig, moesegol, personol, cymdeithasol-wleidyddol ac esthetig nyrsio. Ei nod yw galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddeall rôl y nyrs wrth ddarparu gofal nyrsio diogel ac effeithiol ar draws hyd oes a phob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio, sy'n cael ei danategu gan agweddau a thystiolaeth broffesiynol, gan hyrwyddo gweithio mewn partneriaeth â defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a'u gofalwyr. Bydd y modiwl hwn hefyd yn cyflwyno'r myfyriwr i ddysgu mewn addysg uwch.
Deall iechyd a salwch (Plant)
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cefnogi myfyrwyr i gael mewnwelediad i ffactorau a all ddylanwadu ar iechyd a llesiant unigolyn. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn archwilio sut mae ffactorau biolegol, seicolegol a chymdeithasol yn cyfrannu at batrymau chwalfa iechyd ac afiechyd. Bydd dull oes yn cael ei weithredu i alluogi myfyrwyr i ofalu am bobl ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, y gymuned, yr ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd lle mae eu hanghenion yn cael eu cefnogi a'u rheoli.
Introduction to nursing and health care (Child)
This module will introduce students to the profession of nursing, its core concepts and its underpinning values as enshrined in the NMC¿s The Code. The module aims to develop the student¿s knowledge of the empirical, ethical, personal, socio-political and aesthetic dimensions of nursing. It aims to enable the student to understand the nurse¿s role in providing safe and effective nursing care across the lifespan and all four fields of nursing which is underpinned by professional attitudes and evidence, promoting partnership working with service users and their carers. This module will also introduce the student to learning in higher education.
Cyflwyniad i nyrsio a gofal iechyd (Plant)
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cyflwyno myfyrwyr i'r proffesiwn nyrsio, ei gysyniadau craidd a'i werthoedd sylfaenol fel caiff eu hymgorffori yng Nghod yr NMC. Nod y modiwl yw datblygu gwybodaeth y myfyriwr o ddimensiynau empirig, moesegol, personol, cymdeithasol-wleidyddol ac esthetig nyrsio. Ei nod yw galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddeall rôl y nyrs wrth ddarparu gofal nyrsio diogel ac effeithiol ar draws hyd oes a phob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio, sy'n cael ei danategu gan agweddau a thystiolaeth broffesiynol, gan hyrwyddo gweithio mewn partneriaeth â defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a'u gofalwyr. Bydd y modiwl hwn hefyd yn cyflwyno'r myfyriwr i ddysgu mewn addysg uwch.
Leadership and Management (Adult)
The aim of this module is to enable the student to participate in the organisation, management and delivery of safe care to clients/service users in accordance with recognised legal, ethical and professional frameworks for practice. The module aims to ensure that students develop a critical understanding of the processes of clinical governance and continuous quality improvement through clinical leadership and can apply these principles to the practice setting, using a range of communication skills, reflection, clinical judgment and critical evaluation of the evidence base for nursing practice.
Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth (Oedolion)
Nod y modiwl hwn yw galluogi¿r myfyriwr i gymryd rhan yn y broses o drefnu, rheoli a darparu gofal diogel ar gyfer cleientiaid/defnyddwyr gwasanaethau, yn unol â fframweithiau ymarfer cyfreithiol, moesegol a phroffesiynol cydnabyddedig. Nod y modiwl yw sicrhau bod myfyrwyr yn datblygu dealltwriaeth hanfodol o brosesau llywodraethu clinigol a gwella ansawdd yn barhaus trwy arweiniad clinigol, a¿u bod yn gallu cymhwyso¿r egwyddorion hyn at y lleoliad ymarfer gan ddefnyddio dewis o sgiliau cyfathrebu, adfyfyrio, barnu clinigol a gwerthuso¿r sylfaen dystiolaeth yn feirniadol wrth ymarfer nyrsio.
Preparation for Professional Practice (Child)
This module aims to develop the students¿ knowledge in understanding accountability and the roles and responsibilities of a registered nurse. Students will consider professional practice in relation to professional, socio-political, legal and ethical issues. The module enables the student to integrate the learning from theory and practice gained over the course of the programme in order to meet the Future Nurse: standards of proficiency for registered nurses (NMC, 2018) to enable the transition from student to registered nurse.
Paratoi ar gyfer ymarfer proffesiynol (Plant)
Nod y modiwl hwn yw datblygu gwybodaeth y myfyrwyr wrth ddeall atebolrwydd a rolau a chyfrifoldebau nyrs gofrestredig. Bydd myfyrwyr yn ystyried ymarfer proffesiynol mewn perthynas â materion proffesiynol, cymdeithasol-wleidyddol, cyfreithiol a moesegol. Mae'r modiwl yn galluogi'r myfyriwr i integreiddio'r dysgu o theori ac ymarfer a gafwyd yn ystod y rhaglen er mwyn cwrdd â Nyrs y Dyfodol: safonau hyfedredd ar gyfer nyrsys cofrestredig (NMC, 2018) i alluogi'r trosglwyddo o fod yn fyfyriwr i fod yn nyrs gofrestredig.
Preparation for professional practice (Child)
This module aims to develop the students¿ knowledge in understanding accountability and the roles and responsibilities of a registered nurse. Students will consider professional practice in relation to professional, socio-political, legal and ethical issues. The module enables the student to integrate the learning from theory and practice gained over the course of the programme in order to meet the Future Nurse: standards of proficiency for registered nurses (NMC, 2018) to enable the transition from student to registered nurse.
Dissertation (Child)
This module consolidates and expands upon the knowledge and skills developed throughout the programme. Specifically, students will be prepared to work independently in order to critically review or further develop the evidence base on a chosen nursing topic.
Evidence-based practice and delivering effective patient care (Child)
This module aims to provide students with an appreciation of the principles of effective patient care and the evidence-based practice that underpins it. Students will be taught how to critically understand the research process, apply different research methods and critique evidence-based guidelines. It will enable students to link research theory with clinical practice and formulate a detailed proposal for the directed independent learning component of the MSc Nursing programme, the dissertation.
Students will be taught using blended learning techniques. This will include lectures, small group work, seminars and online resources available on Canvas.
Care of the Child and Young Person with Complex Needs (Child)
This module aims to prepare students to care and systematically manage complex care situations, demonstrating creativity, adaptability and the prioritisation of clinical decision making whilst working within scope of practice, across community, hospital or any healthcare setting where their needs are supported and managed. A range of blended teaching methods will be applied, including simulation, to enable the students to encompass nursing people with complex needs from all four fields of practice. Online learning will be supported via Canvas.