A view of singleton campus including singleton park and the beach, with the sea stretching into the horizon.
Dr Gerard Oram

Dr Gerard Oram

Tutor in War and Society, History

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Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Dr Gerard Oram is a modern historian and Director of the War and Society programmes at Swansea University. He specialises in the impact of war on societies and culture. 


Death Sentences passed by military courts of the British army 1914 -  24 (Francis Boutle, London, 1998).
Worthless Men: race, eugenics and the death penalty in the British army during the First World War (Francis Boutle, London, 1998).
Military Executions during World War 1 (Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2003).
Conflict and Legality: Policing Mid-Twentieth Century Europe (as editor) (Francis Boutle, London, 2003).

Articles in Refereed Journals

 ‘“The administration of discipline by the English is very rigid”: British Military Law and the Death Penalty (1868 – 1918)’ in Crime, Histoire et Sociétés/Crime, History and Societies, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2001, pp. 93-110.
Pious Perjury: Morale and Discipline in the British Force in Italy 1917-18’ in War in History, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2002, pp. 412-430.

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Career Highlights


Research interests include the relationship between conflict and legal structures and his approach often combines historical inquiry with criminology. He has acted as an advisor to the BBC for the World War One at Home project.