Physical Health Issues in Adult Mental Health Practice
The aim of the module is to equip health and social care professionals to respond to the physical health needs of adults with mental health problems, as this client group has high levels of morbidity and mortality. The module aims to better equip staff to work between primary and secondary care to ensure that the range of health needs are met. During the module there will be opportunities for staff to develop physical healthcare assessment skills and engage in health promotion strategies. The module may be taken as a stand-alone module or as part of the BSc Mental Disorder pathway.
Physical Health Issues in Adult Mental Health Practice
The aim of the module is to equip health and social care professionals to respond to the physical health needs of adults with mental health problems, as this client group has high levels of morbidity and mortality. The module aims to better equip staff to work between primary and secondary care to ensure that the range of health needs are met. During the module there will be opportunities for staff to develop physical healthcare assessment skills and engage in health promotion strategies.
Gofal yr Unigolyn a Chyflwr Tymor Hir ac Anghenion Gofal Lliniarol (Oedolyn)
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddatblygu'r wybodaeth, y sgiliau a'r gwerthoedd gofynnol i ofalu am oedolion ag ystod o gyflyrau tymor hir i gynnwys gofal lliniarol / diwedd oes. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn dysgu adnabod cymhlethdod byw gyda chyflyrau iechyd tymor hir ac arfarnu'r ystod o ymagweddau at bobl nyrsio ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio â chyflyrau tymor hir, yng nghyd-destun ymarfer aml-broffesiynol a chydweithio.
Care of the Person with a Long Term Condition and Palliative Care Needs (Adult)
This module enables the student to develop the requisite knowledge, skills and values to care for adults with a range of long term conditions to include palliative/ end of life care. The students will learn to recognise the complexity of living with long term health conditions and to appraise the range of approaches to nursing people across all four fields of nursing practice with long term conditions, in the context of multi-professional practice and collaborative working.
Gofal yr Unigolyn a Chyflwr Tymor Hir ac Anghenion Gofal Lliniarol (Oedolyn)
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddatblygu'r wybodaeth, y sgiliau a'r gwerthoedd gofynnol i ofalu am oedolion ag ystod o gyflyrau tymor hir i gynnwys gofal lliniarol / diwedd oes. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn dysgu adnabod cymhlethdod byw gyda chyflyrau iechyd tymor hir ac arfarnu'r ystod o ymagweddau at bobl nyrsio ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio â chyflyrau tymor hir, yng nghyd-destun ymarfer aml-broffesiynol a chydweithio.
Acute Care (Mental Health)
This module aims to develop core assessment, judgment and decision-making skills for delivering safe care to acutely ill clients/service users. The module will also enable students to develop the essential skills required to provide safe, effective, and immediate care across all four fields of nursing practice and across the lifespan, in all healthcare settings. The student will develop the skills necessary to evaluate the evidence which underpins practice and explore the importance of effective team working and communication.
Acute Care (Mental Health)
This module aims to develop core assessment, judgment and decision-making skills for delivering safe care to acutely ill clients/service users. The module will also enable students to develop the essential skills required to provide safe, effective, and immediate care across all four fields of nursing practice and across the lifespan, in all healthcare settings. The student will develop the skills necessary to evaluate the evidence which underpins practice and explore the importance of effective team working and communication.
Care of the Person with a Long Term Condition and Palliative Care Needs (Mental Health)
This module enables the student to develop the requisite knowledge, skills and values to care for adults with a range of long term conditions to include palliative/ end of life care. The students will learn to recognise the complexity of living with long term health conditions and to appraise the range of approaches to nursing people across all four fields of nursing practice, with long term conditions, in the context of multi-professional practice and collaborative working.
Gofal yr Unigolyn a Chyflwr Tymor Hir ac Anghenion Gofal Lliniarol (Iechyd Meddwl)
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddatblygu'r wybodaeth, y sgiliau a'r gwerthoedd gofynnol i ofalu am oedolion ag ystod o gyflyrau tymor hir i gynnwys gofal lliniarol / diwedd oes. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn dysgu adnabod cymhlethdod byw gyda chyflyrau iechyd tymor hir ac arfarnu'r ystod o ymagweddau at bobl nyrsio ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio, gyda chyflyrau tymor hir, yng nghyd-destun ymarfer aml-broffesiynol a chydweithio.
Care of the Person with a Long Term Condition and Palliative Care Needs (Mental Health)
This module enables the student to develop the requisite knowledge, skills and values to care for adults with a range of long term conditions to include palliative/ end of life care. The students will learn to recognise the complexity of living with long term health conditions and to appraise the range of approaches to nursing people across all four fields of nursing practice, with long term conditions, in the context of multi-professional practice and collaborative working.
Gofal yr Unigolyn a Chyflwr Tymor Hir ac Anghenion Gofal Lliniarol (Iechyd Meddwl)
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddatblygu'r wybodaeth, y sgiliau a'r gwerthoedd gofynnol i ofalu am oedolion ag ystod o gyflyrau tymor hir i gynnwys gofal lliniarol / diwedd oes. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn dysgu adnabod cymhlethdod byw gyda chyflyrau iechyd tymor hir ac arfarnu'r ystod o ymagweddau at bobl nyrsio ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio, gyda chyflyrau tymor hir, yng nghyd-destun ymarfer aml-broffesiynol a chydweithio.
Gofal yr Unigolyn a Chyflwr Tymor Hir ac Anghenion Gofal Lliniarol (Oedolyn)
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddatblygu'r wybodaeth, y sgiliau a'r gwerthoedd gofynnol i ofalu am oedolion ag ystod o gyflyrau tymor hir i gynnwys gofal lliniarol / diwedd oes. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn dysgu adnabod cymhlethdod byw gyda chyflyrau iechyd tymor hir ac arfarnu'r ystod o ymagweddau at bobl nyrsio ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio â chyflyrau tymor hir, yng nghyd-destun ymarfer aml-broffesiynol a chydweithio.
Care of the Person with a Long Term Condition and Palliative Care Needs (Mental Health)
This module enables the student to develop the requisite knowledge, skills and values to care for adults with a range of long term conditions to include palliative/ end of life care. The students will learn to recognise the complexity of living with long term health conditions and to appraise the range of approaches to nursing people across all four fields of nursing practice, with long term conditions, in the context of multi-professional practice and collaborative working.
Care of the Person with a Long Term Condition and Palliative Care Needs (Mental Health)
This module enables the student to develop the requisite knowledge, skills and values to care for adults with a range of long term conditions to include palliative/ end of life care. The students will learn to recognise the complexity of living with long term health conditions and to appraise the range of approaches to nursing people across all four fields of nursing practice, with long term conditions, in the context of multi-professional practice and collaborative working.
Gofalu am Unigolyn sydd â Chyflwr Hirdymor ac Anghenion Gofal Lliniaru (Iechyd Meddwl)
Mae¿r modiwl hwn yn galluogi¿r myfyriwr i ddatblygu¿r wybodaeth, y sgiliau a¿r gwerthoedd sy¿n ofynnol i ofalu am oedolion sydd ag amrywiaeth o gyflyrau hirdymor, yn cynnwys gofal lliniarol/diwedd oes. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn dysgu sut i adnabod cymhlethdod byw gyda chyflyrau iechyd hirdymor ac i arfarnu¿r amrywiaeth o ddulliau nyrsio pobl sydd â chyflyrau hirdymor ar draws y pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio, yng nghyd-destun ymarfer amlbroffesiynol a chydweithio.
Advancing Professional Nursing Practice (Adult)
The aim of this module is to enable nursing students to develop the knowledge and skills to evaluate and advance professional nursing practice. It will help them to identify areas for improvement and help identify any potential limitations within the context of current policy and organisational cultures. The module will enable the student to develop their own potential, advancing their own practice whilst evaluating the impact on self, service users and other professionals.
Leadership and Management (Mental Health)
The aim of this module is to enable the student to participate in the organization, management and delivery of safe care to clients / service users with mental health problems in accordance with recognized legal, ethical and professional frameworks for mental health practice. The module aims to ensure that students develop a critical understanding of the processes of clinical governance and continuous quality improvement through clinical leadership and can apply these principles to the practice setting.
Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth (Iechyd Meddwl)
Nod y modiwl hwn yw galluogi¿r myfyriwr i gymryd rhan yn y broses o drefnu, rheoli a darparu gofal diogel ar gyfer cleientiaid/defnyddwyr gwasanaethau â phroblemau iechyd meddwl, yn unol â fframweithiau cyfreithiol, moesegol a phroffesiynol a gydnabyddir ar gyfer ymarfer iechyd meddwl. Nod y modiwl yw sicrhau bod myfyrwyr yn datblygu dealltwriaeth hanfodol o¿r prosesau llywodraethu clinigol a gwella ansawdd yn barhaus trwy arweiniad clinigol, a¿u bod yn gallu cymhwyso¿r egwyddorion hyn at y lleoliad ymarfer.
Gofalu am y Defnyddiwr Gwasanaeth ag Anghenion Cymhleth (Anabledd Dysgu)
Nod y modiwl hwn yw paratoi myfyrwyr i ofalu a rheoli sefyllfaoedd gofal cymhleth yn systematig, gan ddangos creadigrwydd, hyblygrwydd a blaenoriaethu penderfyniadau clinigol wrth weithio o fewn eu cwmpas ymarfer ac ar draws y pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio, ar draws y gymuned, ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd.
Care of the Person with Complex Mental Health Needs (Mental Health)
This module aims to prepare students to care and systematically manage complex care situations, demonstrating creativity, adaptability and the prioritisation of clinical decision making whilst working within scope of practice, across community, hospital or any healthcare setting where their needs are supported and managed. A range of blended teaching methods will be applied, including simulation, to enable the students to encompass nursing people with complex needs from all four fields of practice. Online learning will be supported via Canvas.