Dr Laura Cowley is a Research Officer and Data Scientist with a background and interest in children’s health, social care, and family justice research. Laura holds a BSc (Hons) in Psychology from the University of Liverpool, and an MSc with distinction in Neuropsychology from Bristol University. She completed her PhD at the Division of Population Medicine, Cardiff University, in 2019. Laura went on to work on several child health-related research projects at Cardiff University and also worked at Public Health Wales, where she gained experience in using linked data to deliver insightful research to improve population health and wellbeing among children in Wales.
Laura’s current research focuses on the use of administrative data and statistical modelling to answer a wide range of research questions relating to child and family health and social care outcomes in Wales and beyond. She is currently undertaking a three-year Health and Care Research Wales-funded Social Care Fellowship.
Laura is a member of several research networks including the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN); the Decisions, Assessment and Risk Special Interest Group (DARSIG) of the European Social Work Research Association; the International Research Network on Infants and Child Protection Systems; and the Child Welfare Inequalities Network.