Foundations in Burn Care
This module will focus on the development of skills required to provide safe and effective care of the burn injured patient. The module is run collaboratively with staff from Swansea Bay University Health Board (SBUHB) and is offered to staff working in burn care.
Violence & Aggression Passport 3
The module aims to raise awareness of violence and aggression issues and give the student practical skills in safe, non-aversive breakaway techniques.
Contexts of Care (Adult)
This module will enable the student to develop an understanding of the current issues that impact service delivery and how clinical practice influences the provision of high-quality, safe, person- centered care across all four fields for individuals in their own homes, community, hospital or any healthcare setting.
Contexts of Care (Adult)
This module will enable the student to develop an understanding of the current issues that impact service delivery and how clinical practice influences the provision of high-quality, safe, person- centered care across all four fields for individuals in their own homes, community, hospital or any healthcare setting.
Cyflwyniad i nyrsio a gofal iechyd (Iechyd Meddwl)
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cyflwyno myfyrwyr i'r proffesiwn nyrsio, ei gysyniadau craidd a'i werthoedd sylfaenol fel y'u hymgorfforir yng Nghod yr NMC. Nod y modiwl yw datblygu gwybodaeth y myfyriwr o ddimensiynau empirig, moesegol, personol, cymdeithasol-wleidyddol ac esthetig nyrsio. Ei nod yw galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddeall rôl y nyrs wrth ddarparu gofal nyrsio diogel ac effeithiol ar draws hyd oes a phob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio sy'n cael ei danategu gan agweddau a thystiolaeth broffesiynol, gan hyrwyddo gweithio mewn partneriaeth â defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a'u gofalwyr. Bydd y modiwl hwn hefyd yn cyflwyno'r myfyriwr i ddysgu mewn addysg uwch.
Ensuring Quality Care (Adult)
The module will enable the adult field student to participate in the organisation, management and delivery of safe, quality care to patients and service users across all four fields of nursing practice in accordance with recognised legal, ethical, quality and professional frameworks for practice. Students will develop a critical understanding of the process of clinical governance and continuous quality improvement through leadership skills and apply these principles to the practice settings, using a range of communication skills, self-reflection, clinical judgment and critical evaluation of the evidence base for nursing practice.
Ensuring Quality Care (Adult)
The module will enable the adult field student to participate in the organisation, management and delivery of safe, quality care to patients and service users across all four fields of nursing practice in accordance with recognised legal, ethical, quality and professional frameworks for practice. Students will develop a critical understanding of the process of clinical governance and continuous quality improvement through leadership skills and apply these principles to the practice settings, using a range of communication skills, self-reflection, clinical judgment and critical evaluation of the evidence base for nursing practice.
Managing Complex Care in Rapidly Changing Situations (Adult)
This module aims to give an overview of specialist aspects of nursing practice, especially when care can be considered complex and situations rapidly change. The module also aims to give a greater insight into the application of legal, ethical and professional issues to practice. This module draws on the content of modules within Years 1 and 2 and experiences in practice to consolidate the knowledge, skills and attitude for professional practice in the field of adult nursing.
Consolidating the Practice of Nursing
The philosophy of the module is the belief that continued development underpins professional practice. Throughout their professional lives, qualified nurses need to take responsibility for their own learning and development. In order to achieve this, they need to be able to recognise their learning and developmental needs, developing appropriate strategies to fulfil them. Development encompasses both personal and professional aspects as one cannot be separated from the other.
This module draws on the content of other modules within the year and experiences in practice to introduce the concept of professional practice. The students will demonstrate this learning through the medium of a portfolio and by producing a patchwork text.
The essentials of nursing (Adult)
The essentials to nursing module is the first module in the MSc Nursing (Adult) programme. This module introduces students to the core concepts and principles of nursing and supports students to develop fundamental nursing and research skills. Students will be introduced to evidence-based approaches that inform safe and effective patient-centred nursing care. A range of blended learning teaching methods will be used to develop fundamental nursing skills. Student learning will be supported with online digital learning resources through Canvas.
Acute and Unscheduled Nursing Care (Adult)
The Acute and Unscheduled Nursing Care module will enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and professional values required to assess and manage complex care in acute and unscheduled situations. A range of blended-learning teaching methods will be used to develop knowledge and skills in managing complex care needs, collaborating with the multidisciplinary team, appraising best evidence for nursing practice and the comprehensive and systematic assessment of patients with acute, complex needs. Student learning will be supported with online digital learning resources through Canvas.
Leadership in Education and Healthcare Practice
This module provides an introduction to leadership and management concepts and theories, situated within a
healthcare or educational context. It also introduces students to the approaches and evidence base of
leadership and management literature and organisational analysis. Consideration of contemporary leadership
and management issues in clinical leadership enables students to gain appreciation of the wider aspects of
public service, health systems, health professions education and organisational responses.