The dissertation module is designed to equip students to undertake a small-scale piece of research or enquiry related to their educational practice. The module will support students to identify an area of their practice that is appropriate for a small-scale piece of research or enquiry, to formulate appropriate research questions, to choose appropriate data collection methods, to collect data and to undertake a critical analysis of the data. This module will prepare students to write up their findings and to present them in various formats. This module builds upon the Advanced Research and Enquiry Skills module which is a pre-requisite for undertaking the dissertation.
Infants, Toddlers, Young Children and Technology
This module will introduce key concepts, issues and debates concerning technology and ICT in the early years. It will explore how technology and ICT link to infants, toddlers and young children and explore contemporary debates in topics such as government initiatives. There will be opportunities for students to consider their own competencies with technology and ICT and to assess and reflect on different learning approaches with these, and the benefits and opportunities for learning in a digital age for all children, including those with ALN. Issues concerning how technology supports learning will be explored including how ICT can help develop Welsh language learning.
Digital Education: Pedagogy and Practice
This module will enable you to develop your understanding of learning, teaching and assessment with digital technologies. It will outline different perspectives and debates concerning digital technologies and pedagogy. There is an emphasis on critical analysis, evidence-informed approaches and design principles. The module will outline fundamental issues including inclusivity, accessibility, legislation, policies and standards. You will not be required to develop legal expertise but an awareness of how they influence educational practice. You will be able to develop your understanding of how to source, evaluate and implement open educational resources (OERs) for teaching and learning. There will be opportunities to develop technical, creative and project management skills.
Professional Practice
This module is designed to enable student teachers to work towards the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership at QTS level by developing the appropriate subject knowledge, skills and attitudes identified in statutory requirements and non-statutory guidance. It will enable students to develop full understanding of the complexities of the role of the teacher as a professional from a regional, national and international perspective. The module will explore key aspects of professional practice and develop the practical and reflective skills necessary to meet the needs of all pupils regardless of their cultural, linguistic, religious or socio-economic background and whether or not they have additional learning or other special needs thus ensuring equity of experience for all pupils. The students will learn about the Welsh Government's national priorities including:
¿ curriculum and assessment arrangements
¿ school improvement arrangements,
¿ the legal framework for identifying, planning for, and meeting the needs of ALN learners
¿ the need to increase Welsh medium and bilingual provision as part of the long-term approach to achieve the Cymraeg 2050 ambition of creating a million Welsh speakers
¿ an increased emphasis on supporting the well-being of all learners and a new recognition of the importance of anti-racist learning and teaching
¿ an increased emphasis on collaboration between schools
¿ the developing culture in schools of evidence informed and enquiry engaged practice
¿ community engaged schools tackling the impact of disadvantage, poverty, and inequity on attainment.
This module, EDP300, incorporates Practice and Theory (PAT) days. The school-based but jointly delivered PAT days will enable student teachers to link national priorities to the reality of school practice. The programme structure and materials will be delivered in all Lead partnership schools and to all student teachers within their network, thus ensuring consistency of content and experience across subject routes and school settings.
The module provides planned opportunities for students to reflect critically on their practice and to develop their understanding of teaching and learning in schools as they progress towards meeting the Professional Standards in Wales. Professional dialogue will enable the student teachers to understand their development needs as they become effective practitioners. Throughout the module, students will be expected to draw upon the theory and evidence base for their teaching and to be able to explain their practice in an informed way.
Research Informed Reflective Practice: Computer Science, ICT and Digital Technology
This module develops student teachers as Research-informed reflective practitioners through a range of learning experiences designed to enhance the critical awareness that new entrants to the teaching profession will need to refine their teaching, influence their pupils and ensure they advance in their learning (Welsh Government circular 001/2018). Learning to teach involves drawing upon several different sources of professional knowledge; intellectually based knowledge (learning `about¿ teaching) knowledge gained through `indirect¿ practice, the knowledge of expert practitioners, integrated knowledge (learning `through¿ teaching) and personal knowledge (Furlong 2015; EWC 2023).
Student teachers will develop an understanding of, and ability to employ, effective strategies for teaching and learning in their subject area and Area of Learning Experience (AoLE). Taught sessions will focus on the application of subject knowledge to support an understanding of pedagogy and curriculum design to promote the four purposes of Education as outlined in the new curriculum (Donaldson, 2015).
Student teachers will address issues relevant to the wider context of the Welsh Government policy on the curriculum and the National Frameworks for Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence. The module will ensure that students gain an understanding of current legislation, including an understanding of the anti-racist Wales action plan, the Additional Learning Needs Code and an understanding of the Curriculum Cymreig and Welsh language requirements. They will also develop and consolidate teaching strategies to ensure they are appropriate to their subject area/AoLE with a strong focus on lesson and unit planning, taking into account those issues which impact on planning for effective teaching and learning in their subject. Student teachers will develop an awareness and understanding of research skills and research literacy that will help them throughout their professional career and continuously develop their approaches to learning and teaching to maximise the impact on learner outcomes. Student teachers will examine research literature and explore their own practice through the implementation of a close to practice research project to systematically develop their professional practice and respond creatively to the needs of all pupils. In doing so they will develop their reflective skills which will ensure that they are engaged with up-to-date evidence and the skills of research inquiry.
Ymarfer Myfyriol wedi’i lywio gan Ymchwil: Cyfrifiadureg, TGCh a Thechnoleg Ddigidol
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn datblygu athrawon dan hyfforddiant fel ymarferwyr myfyriol sy¿n wybodus o ran ymchwil trwy ddarparu ystod o brofiadau dysgu sydd â¿r nod o wella'r ymwybyddiaeth feirniadol y bydd ei hangen ar newydd-ddyfodiaid i'r proffesiwn addysgu er mwyn mireinio eu haddysgu, dylanwadu ar eu disgyblion a sicrhau eu bod yn gwneud cynnydd yn eu dysgu (cylchlythyr Llywodraeth Cymru 001/2018). Mae dysgu i addysgu yn seiliedig ar sawl ffynhonnell wahanol o wybodaeth broffesiynol; gwybodaeth ddeallusol (dysgu 'am' addysgu), gwybodaeth sy'n deillio o ymarfer 'anuniongyrchol', gwybodaeth ymarferwyr arbenigol, gwybodaeth integredig (dysgu 'trwy' addysgu) a gwybodaeth bersonol (Furlong 2015; CGA 2023).
Bydd athrawon dan hyfforddiant yn dechrau deall, a gallu defnyddio, strategaethau effeithiol ar gyfer addysgu a dysgu yn eu maes pwnc a'u Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad (MDPh). Bydd sesiynau a addysgir yn canolbwyntio ar ddefnyddio gwybodaeth am bwnc i helpu i ddeall addysgeg a chynllun y cwricwlwm er mwyn hyrwyddo pedwar diben Addysg sydd wedi'u hamlinellu yn y cwricwlwm newydd (Donaldson, 2015).
Bydd athrawon dan hyfforddiant yn mynd i'r afael â materion sy'n berthnasol i gyd-destun ehangach polisi Llywodraeth Cymru ar y cwricwlwm a'r Fframweithiau Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Llythrennedd, Rhifedd a Chymhwysedd Digidol. Bydd y modiwl yn sicrhau bod myfyrwyr yn datblygu dealltwriaeth o ddeddfwriaeth bresennol, gan gynnwys dealltwriaeth o Gynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol, y Cod Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol, a dealltwriaeth o ofynion y Cwricwlwm Cymreig a'r Gymraeg. Hefyd, byddant yn datblygu ac yn atgyfnerthu strategaethau addysgu i sicrhau eu bod yn briodol i'w maes pwnc/MDPh gyda phwyslais cadarn ar gynllunio gwersi ac unedau, gan ystyried y materion sy'n effeithio ar gynllunio ar gyfer addysgu a dysgu effeithiol yn eu pwnc. Bydd athrawon dan hyfforddiant yn datblygu ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth o sgiliau ymchwil a llythrennedd ymchwil a fydd o gymorth iddynt drwy gydol eu gyrfa broffesiynol, a byddant yn datblygu eu dulliau dysgu ac addysgu yn barhaus er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn cael yr effaith fwyaf ar ddeilliannau dysgwyr. Bydd athrawon dan hyfforddiant yn archwilio llenyddiaeth ymchwil ac yn archwilio eu hymarfer eu hunain trwy gyflwyno prosiect ymchwil agos at ymarfer er mwyn datblygu eu hymarfer proffesiynol mewn ffordd systematig ac ymateb yn greadigol i anghenion pob disgybl. Wrth wneud hynny, byddant yn datblygu eu sgiliau myfyriol a fydd yn sicrhau eu bod yn ymgysylltu â'r dystiolaeth ddiweddaraf a sgiliau ymchwil.
Study Group: Education (Year 1)
2 hour weekly Study Group for Education students (Year 1)
Study Group: Education (Year 2)
2 hour weekly Study Group for Education students (Year 2)