Professor Stephen Brown has a PhD in metallurgy (1986, Swansea University) and has spent his career in the computational modelling of materials processing. He became a Professor in Computational Materials Science in 2007.
Apart from UK-centred research projects with various industrial collaborators (e.g. Rolls-Royce, Tata Steel, Airbus/EADS) he has previously worked on a range of EU-funded projects in FP5 (e.g. SmartWeld) and FP6 (e.g. ALCAS) including coordination of 14 active partners in the work-package on computational materials modelling in the FP6 IMPRESS project (project value €40million); graded at the top level by two EU assessors. A recently completed FP7 project (concerning multiscale modelling and characterisation for hydrogen-embrittlement problems) was ‘MultiHy’ and Swansea is also part of the current ‘AMAZE’ FP7 project. Professor Brown is also a member of the Technical Evaluation Panel for the recently created Metallurgy Europe Eureka project.
Current collaborative research with UK and international companies includes advanced Discrete Element Modelling of granular flows, Combinatorial Metallurgy approaches for alloy discovery and Additive Manufacturing of metallic components (both modelling and experimentation).