Dr Tania Wiseman has 23 years experience as an occupational therapy educator. She is intensely engaged in the development of learning, asking questions that encourage enquiring minds. Always challenging, always with humour, she really cares about how understanding develops. She has a passion for assessments that teach rather than test, and is therefore extremely lucky to mainly teach on a course underpinned by evidence based learning theory, with high quality interactive small group tutorials at the core of teaching, working on real life problems together, and learning as part of a team.
She also uses blended learning approaches to support this ‘in the room’ time, both within tutorials, and in support of tutorials e.g. ‘You-Tube’ videos to facilitate discussion, sharing theoretical knowledge via subject expert sessions and recorded presentations and guiding reading with digital reading lists. Digital learning resources have been developed to stimulate emotional engagement in learning, with a new simulation suite to add creativity. She believes that compassion and love of learning are essential for a rewarding career, and aims to create space for these attributes to develop in the learners that she supports.