Pathway Overview

The Swansea University offers students the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects in a world class environment. The Pre-Master's course offers students from a variety of academic backgrounds to specialise into their area of choice, or to assist students whose academic qualifications do not allow for direct Master's entrance.

Pre-Master's Academic and English

For pathways leading to Master's in ManagementAccounting & FinanceComputer ScienceChildren & Young People and Public Health & Management, The College is pleased to now be able to offer a selection of Pre-Master's programmes designed to suit different admissions requirements;

Pre-Master's Course IELTS Requirement Enrolment Points Pre-Master's Stage Master's Stage
1 Semester (Academic modules) IELTS 5.5 (5.5) or equivalent* September, January and June 1 CAS / Visa
2 Semester (Academic modules)
September and January
1 CAS / Visa
2 Semester (Academic and English modules) UKVI IELTS 5.0 (4.5)
1st CAS / Visa
2nd CAS / Visa**
3 Semester (Academic and English modules) UKVI IELTS 4.5 (4.0) September and June

*IELTS Academic and other forms of acceptable language qualifications are accepted
**Students can apply for their second visa from within the UK and will be able to access the University's free Visa advisory service

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