Fee & Access Plans

Under the Higher Education (Wales) Act 2015, the University is required to develop a Fee & Access plan each year. This plan outlines the proposed fees it intends to charge for its courses and how much of the income from fees it will invest in improving ‘Equality of Opportunity’ and the ‘Promotion of Higher Education’.

Fee & Access plans provide for a greater focus on improving access to Higher Education and in particular how universities will attract, retain and support students from under-represented groups. In summary, the Fee & Access plan covers:

  • The notification to charge the maximum tuition fee for full-time undergraduate courses per annum
  • The total level of fee income expected from recruitment of students
  • The level of fee income to be invested in activities that promote Equality of Opportunity and Promotion of Higher Education
  • How this investment will be apportioned against Fee & Access Plan objectives
  • How course fees and any other costs will be communicated to prospective students
  • How the plan was developed in conjunction with partners and the Students’ Union
  • The rationale for fee income investment and strategic alignment
  • The identification of under-represented groups to be included in the plan
  • Activities and initiatives aligned to objectives aimed at supporting under-represented groups
  • Targets to monitor progress towards increasing levels of participation and retention for under-represented groups

The University’s Fee & Access Plans published here have been approved by the Higher Education Council for Wales (HEFCW) and can be viewed below.

The Maximum Tuition Fee for UK students

The Welsh Government has confirmed the maximum tuition fee in Wales will remain at £9,250 (until further notice). The University sets its maximum tuition fee as featured on our website and in the Fee & Access Plan in line with Welsh Government policy. Therefore, any future changes made by the Welsh Government (such as any future fee increases linked to inflation) will be reflected in the fees the University charges its students. Any future changes will be communicated to students as soon as is practically possible.

The links below will take you to the University's current and future Fee and Access Plan.

Tuition Fee Plan Documents





Fee and Access Plan 2025-27  - (for students entering in September 2025; approved by HEFCW on 24.07.24) 

Variation Fee and Access Plan 2023-25 - (for students entering in September 2023 and September 2024; approved by HEFCW on 04.08.22. The plan was updated (known as a variation) and was approved by HEFCW on the 25.04.24)

Fee & Access Plan 2022-23 - (for students entering in September 2022; approved by HEFCW) 

Fee & Access Plan 2021-22 - (for students entering in September 2021; approved by HEFCW on 27.05.20 with an update approved by HEFCW on 11.06.21 and published here on 25.06.21)

Fee & Access Plan 2020-21 - (for students entering in September 2020; approved by HEFCW on the 03.09.19 and published here on the 11.09.19)

  • Summary of the Fee and Access plan 2020-21

Fee & Access Plan 2019-20 - (for students entering in September 2019;this plan was originally approved by HEFCW on the 26.07.18 and published on the 09.08.18. The plan was updated (known as a variation) in August 2019 to reflect changes to our franchise provision (courses provided in partnership with Further Education Colleges). This updated version was approved by HEFCW on the 03.09.19 and republished here on the 11.09.19)