The University's contribution to the Welsh language and culture is managed through Academi Hywel Teifi. An important part of the Academi's work is to increase the opportunities to use the Welsh language and strengthen the University's image in Wales as a bilingual institution. The Academi provides strategic expertise and staff resources for Welsh-medium development work within the University and locally supporting the University's stategic theme of being;
- A University that has the quality and scale of teaching and research to facilitate the powerful strategic collaborations needed to drive economic growth and societal impact both locally and nationally.
The Academi delivers a range of cultural and arts activities and work to enrich the Welsh culture and language. We develop innovative projects working with Welsh organisations and institutions to develop resources and services that benefits the Welsh language. Another element of our development work is to provide a program of Welsh-medium lifelong learning courses in the community and organise a regular series of lectures and public seminars to share the research and expertise of the University's Welsh-medium staff with the community and other stakeholders.