Partners in Training

The DVLA funds 20 places at Swansea University’s Computer Science Foundation course for DVLA staff and 6 graduate placements for university IT students, with an eye to bringing them in-house after graduation.

The strategy has also helped move DVLA’s culture toward the digital future.

As a major employer in South Wales, DVLA wanted to expand the number of skilled IT workers available as they bring IT in-house. The Agency has built relationships with local universities and is sponsoring a project called Tech Hub, a network founded by local tech companies to encourage the sharing of digital ideas, resources, and workspace.

The DVLA is investing heavily in its people. It has a really strong ecosystem of skills, education and job opportunities which its mashes together to put its people back into study to become digital people.

This will directly contribute towards DVLA’s digital skills capability that will expand its current work, attract additional Government service development and delivery activities to the organisation, supporting the growth of its local supplier base in the digital arena

Project partner for TechHub initiative

As part of an ambitious project to develop Swansea as a centre of excellence for the digital economy, the TechHub initiative brings together start-up businesses, software developers and researchers, as well as students from Swansea University.

DVLA has put a quarter-of-a-million pounds into the TechHub initiative, which brings together start-up businesses, software developers and researchers, and students from Swansea University and University of Wales Trinity St David.

The Swansea TechHub in a not-for-profit organisation designed to nurture new digital talent, and is one of only seven around the world — and the only one in the UK outside London.

As well as providing a “co-working” space where software developers, hi-tech entrepreneurs and researchers can collaborate on projects, it is planning to organise training and mentoring for people wanting to start their own digital business. Swansea TechHub was founded by three young entrepreneurs — Adam Curtis, Matt Warren and Paul Harwood.

Supporter of Year In Industry

The DVLA has offered students at Swansea University the opportunity to spend a 'Year in Industry' as part of their degree. This partnership has benefitted both the DVLA and the students placed there.

If your company is looking for a Year in Industry student please find out more or get in touch

Founding partner of Cherish De

As a founding partner of the CHERISH-DE Centre at Swansea University, DVLA has been instrumental in driving big technology and service innovation to make people feel empowered by the digital revolution. DVLA uses this to help us improve road safety, reduce vehicle-related crime, support environmental initiatives and limit vehicle tax evasion.

Read more about CHERISH-DE