‘Most physics research is conducted by teams and advanced by dissemination and discussion incorporating different perspectives. In many ways physics education and research is already underpinned by a large degree of social difference (e.g. diverse nationalities due to strong global mobility and community), but in other key areas the scientific endeavour lacks diversity - in particular of women, certain minority groups and those with disabilities. Advancement in physics relies on cultivating excellence and talent. By promoting equality and diversity we seek to support expanding that talent pool and advance the inclusion of traditionally underrepresented groups’ - Professor Peter Dunstan, Head of Department.  

The Physics Department is committed to improving the outcomes and experience of Higher Education for both staff and students. We need to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to address unanswered questions in physics. Our vision for physics in the 21st Century is one that includes all.

The department has a Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity Committee which meets once a term. Women and men, senior academics and postgraduate students, permanent and part-time staff are represented on the committee. The Head of Department sits on the committee showing the commitment to improve our working practice and benefit everyone. Equality of opportunity for all is key.

If you would like to know more or make any suggestions to the committee, then please email us on py-dei@swansea.ac.uk

Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity

Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity Committee logo

The department is committed to improving our working practices to benefit everyone. Equality of opportunity for all is key.


Institute of Physics Project Juno

Institute of Physics Project Juno logo

The Physics Department at Swansea has been awarded a Juno Practitioner award.

3EI Coffee Morning

3EI Coffee Morning

Last Friday of every month, 10:30, Science Central