Postgraduate Taught Degree

You can find details of the tuition fee costs in the 'Key Course Details' box on each postgraduate taught course page.

Tuition fees are charged annually to all students during the minimum candidature period for your programme and will increase by 3% each year.  The candidature periods for Postgraduate Taught programmes are outlined below:-

ProgrammeMinimum candidature
Full-Time Masters (180 credits)  1 year 
Part-Time (Flexible) Masters (90 credits per year)  2 years 
Part-Time Masters (60 credits per year)  3 years 
Full-Time Extended Masters (120 credits per year) 2 years 
Part Time Extended Masters (60 credits per year) 4 years 
  • Tuition fees for taught master's programmes are inclusive of dissertation costs.
  • Tuition Fees for part-time programmes will be calculated pro-rata of the equivalent full-time fee. 
  • Stand-alone modules will be calculated pro-rata of the equivalent full-time fee. 
  • If you are required to re-submit your DIL (Dissertation/Independent Learning) you will be charged a re-submission fee of £102

Search for Research and Taught Scholarships and Bursaries that may be available to you.

Postgraduate Research degree

International students and EU students: You can find details of the tuition fee costs on each postgraduate research course page. Tuition fees are charged annually to all students during the minimum candidature period for your programme and will increase by inflationary amount of 3% in each subsequent year. Additional information is available in our Tuition Fees for International Students section.

UK student: Tuition fees are charged annually to all students during the minimum candidature period for your programme and will increase each year in line with UKRI recommendations. For DBA and Professional Doctorate (EdD/DCrim) fees will increase each year by 3%. The candidature periods and related Tuition Fee costs are outlined below:-

ProgrammeMinimum candidatureTuition Fee (2024/25 entry point)Tuition Fee (2025/26)* entry point)
PhD (full-time)  3 years  £4,786 £5,006
PhD (part-time)  6 years  £2,393 £2,503
MPhil (full-time)  2 years  £4,786 £5,006
MPhil (part-time)  4 years  £2,393 £2,503
Masters by Research (full-time)  1 year  £4,786 £5,006
Masters by Research (part-time)  2 years  £2,393 £2,503
EngD (full-time)  4 years £4,786 £5,006
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) part-time  4 (to 6) years  £7,950 £8,100
Professional Doctorate (EDd, DCrim) part-time  6 years £2,427 £2,500
  • You will be required to pay fees for the full minimum candidature period irrespective if you've been permitted to submit at an earlier point.
  • Fees for DBA programme reduce to the recommended UKRI rate in Years 5 and 6
  • Some programmes may charge a bench fee to cover specialist equipment or laboratory costs required for your research. If bench fees are applicable this will be clearly stated on the programme web page. The exact amount to be charged will be determined by your supervisor and included in your Offer of Study.
  • Fee costs for visiting research students will be charged at 50% of the full-time rate.
  • Fee costs for associate research students will be charged at 25% of the full-time rate.
  • If you are a Full Time student and undertaking your research at your place of employment you may be eligible to apply as an External student (under Method B entry). If applicable, the fee costs will be 50% of the above full-time rate.

Note: Additional tuition fees may be charged in your 'writing up' period if it is deemed appropriate at the annual Progression Boards due to extensive supervision or laboratory use.

Search for Research and Taught Scholarships and Bursaries that may be available to you.

Further information