Sharing innovation, enterprise and incubation knowledge through successful British Council mission
As a result of a successful British Council funding application by Samuel Ebie, Louisa Huxtable-Thomas, Paul Jones, Gareth Davies and Dave Bolton of Swansea University’s School of Management, supported by Colombia’s National Innovation and enterprise agency INN-Pulsa, received a delegation from two of Colombia’s universities; Corporacion Univeristaria Minuto de Dios (Uniminuto) and Universiti La Salle.
The aim of the mission was to learn more about the successful innovation, enterprise and incubation system that the University facilitates here in the Swansea Bay City Region. The mission was successful with a commitment from our visitors to seek funding for a delegation from Swansea to attend a reciprocal mission to Colombia early in 2020, as well as a commitment from INN-Pulsa to host a research-led roundtable on Artificial Intelligence (AI), based on an event held earlier in 2019 by Professors Mike Williams and Yogesh Dwivedi.
The team would like to thank everybody involved in making this British Council mission (the second this year), such a success. This includes colleagues from the College of Engineering and the Medical School.