Foundation Biological Chemistry
The module aims to provide the student with a broad overview of biological chemistry, explain the differences between different classes of compounds from both a chemical perspective and a biological function emphasis. Students will appreciate the different functions of these bio-molecules and gain an understanding of key examples of each in relation to human biology.
Metabolism and Homeostasis
The module will provide the student with a broad overview of dietary requirements, digestion processes and associated anatomy, nutrient uptake and energetic metabolism processes within the human body. The catabolism of biomolecules for energy production will be covered and the role of the kidney in removal of by-products. The role of neuronal and hormonal systems in homeostatic control of the body will also be elaborated.
Fundamentals of Microbiology & Disease
This module will provide the student with an overview of the fundamentals of microbiology, its causative role in
human disease and the intervention of antimicrobials and antibiotics. The role of immunity and its role in human
defence against disease will also be introduced in this module, and how this may be modulated in response to
pathogens. Lectures will be accompanied by a practical session in microbiological techniques and an essay with
academic support.
Mae'r modiwl yma yn rhoi trosolwg i fyfyrwyr o hanfodion mewn microbioleg, ei rôl achosol mewn
afiechydon dynol ac ymyrraeth gwrthficrobaidd a gwrthfiotig. Caiff rôl imiwnedd a'i rôl mewn amddiffyn dyn yn erbyn
afiechydon, a sut mae'n addasu mewn ymateb i bathogenau ei gyflwyno hefyd yn y modiwl yma. Caiff y darlithoedd
eu cyfeilio gan sesiynau ymarferol mewn technegau microbiolegol a traethawd efo cefnogaeth academaidd.
Foundation Skills Development 1
This module introduces students to various academic and practical skills required for study in Higher Education. This module will provide students with the skills to work safely within a laboratory environment, understanding key health and safety issues (from risk assessments to COSHH forms). Students will also be provided with a range of laboratory skills, such as accurate pipetting, standard curve construction, spectrophotometry, and the ability to perform technical/biological replicas for data accuracy. This module will develop foundational data analysis and mathematic skills associated with laboratory research. Finally, students will be provided with a range of academic skills on literature searching, referencing and plagiarism, communicating information, presenting, and writing.
Through a combination of workshops and practical sessions, students will gain insights into various skills that will be useful throughout their studies at Swansea University and beyond.
Fundamental Research Skills
This module is designed to develop the skills required for students of biochemistry and genetics degree programmes. Students meet with their tutors and will be given a series of assignments designed to develop skills in key areas such as essay writing, presentations and general numeracy.
Eukaryotic Cell Biology
This module will provide students with a broad introduction to fundamental concepts in Eukaryotic cell biology, such as investigating the origins of the cell, the structure or eukaryotic cells, the different types of specialised cells, and cells which help prevent disease. There will be a general focus on human cells throughout the module with some references to other organisms when needed. Students will gain practical experience in identification and differentiation of cells from different human and animal species.
Bioleg Celloedd Ewcaryotig
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn darparu cyflwyniad bras i gysyniadau sylfaenol ym maes bioleg celloedd Ewcaryotig, gan ymchwilio i darddiad y gell, strwythur y gell a chelloedd arbenigol a chelloedd mewn clefyd. Bydd ffocws cyffredinol ar gelloedd dynol drwy gydol y modiwl, gan gyfeirio at organebau eraill yn ôl yr angen. Bydd myfyrwyr yn cael profiad ymarferol o nodi celloedd, gwahaniaethu rhwng gwahanol gelloedd dynol a rhywogaethau o anifeiliaid.
This module introduces students into the small intricate world of microbiology and its implications for human health and disease. It will explore the microbial universe from the living (bacteria and fungi) to the non-living (viruses and bacteriophage). Starting with fundamental concepts, students will learn about these organisms and how they differ from their eukaryotic counterparts in their cellular and genetic structures. The ability of microorganisms to cause human disease will be explored through key example organisms. This module will then go on to explore the beneficial sides of microbiology, and how we can manipulate microorganisms for the production of beneficial products.
Through a combination of lectures and laboratory sessions, students will gain insights into the fundamentals of microbiology through key example microorganisms with a focus on human disease. Students that complete this module will be equipped with a general overview of the field of microbiology.
Introduction to Toxicology: The Dose Makes the Poison
We are surrounded by substances that may do our bodies harm i.e. poisons. The harm these poisons causes depends on our exposure - the dose. The science of toxicology, a discipline that crosscuts biology, chemistry, pharmacology, and medicine, is based on the principle that the dose makes the poison.
This module will provide you with an introduction to toxicology and how dose-response relationships relate to the physiological effects of toxic substances. You will explore how they produce cellular and chemical changes that cause tissues and organs to malfunction.
You will learn how the structure and function of these tissues can be affected to varying degrees and begin to understand how tissue may repair itself and when the damage is reversible, permanent or fatal.
You will also learn how we use toxic substances to our advantage in both the laboratory and within the clinic.
Epigenetics, Gene Regulation and Disease
.Epigenetics and its role in gene expression.
Human Physiology
Human physiology is the study of how our body works in an integrated way. A central principle of human physiology is homeostasis, the maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment. Failure to maintain homeostasis disrupts normal function that may lead to disease (or pathophysiology). Students will be taught the key concepts of homeostasis in the physiological systems of the body, enabling the student to understand the consequences of pathophysiology to human health.
Emphasis will be given to how malfunction of key physiological systems gives rise to disease, using specific examples to enable students to appreciate the relationship between physiology/anatomy and medicine. Fundamental principles of physiology will be illustrated with appropriate clinical examples and during lectures and in practical assignments.
Students will gain practical experience in assessing physiological function during four laboratory-based exercises. The impact of pathophysiology of such systems will be assessed through clinical case studies.
Ffisioleg Ddynol
Ffisioleg Ddynol yw astudio sut mae ein cyrff yn gweithio mewn ffordd integredig. Egwyddor sydd wrth wraidd ffisioleg ddynol yw homeostasis, sef cynnal amgylchedd mewnol cymharol sefydlog. Os na chynhelir homeostasis, bydd yn amharu ar swyddogaeth arferol a allai arwain at glefyd (neu bathoffisioleg). Caiff myfyrwyr eu haddysgu am gysyniadau allweddol homeostasis yn systemau ffisiolegol y corff, gan alluogi'r myfyriwr i ddeall canlyniadau pathoffisioleg i iechyd pobl.Rhoddir pwyslais ar y ffordd y mae methiannau systemau ffisiolegol allweddol yn arwain at glefyd, gan ddefnyddio enghreifftiau penodol i alluogi myfyrwyr i werthfawrogi'r berthynas rhwng ffisioleg/anatomeg a meddygaeth.Caiff egwyddorion sylfaenol ffisioleg eu hesbonio ag enghreifftiau clinigol priodol ac yn ystod darlithoedd ac mewn aseiniadau ymarferol.Bydd myfyrwyr yn cael profiad ymarferol o asesu swyddogaeth ffisiolegol yn ystod pedwar ymarfer yn y labordy. Asesir effaith pathoffisioleg mewn systemau o'r fath drwy astudiaethau achos clinigol.
Introduction to Genetics and Evolution
The module will provide an introduction to genetics and evolution. Concepts such as DNA discovery, structure and replication, gene transcription and translation, mechanisms of gene transmission, genome organisation, epigenetic modifications and mutations will be covered with an appreciation of how how these mechanisms have an impact on human disease and antibiotic resistance. The latter part of the module will cover the theory of evolution including natural selection, and explore the processes involved in speciation and how they can be applied at both the gene and whole organismal level.
Disease Dynamics
This module introduces students into the small intricate world of microbiology and its implications for human health and disease. It will explore the microbial universe from the living (archaea, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) to the non-living (viruses and bacteriophage), and how they evolved through evolutionary history. Starting with fundamental concepts, students will learn about these organisms, their differing cellular and genetic structures, varying life cycles, as well as their alternative metabolism and biomolecular pathways that facilitate their adaptation to varying environments. This module will then go on to explore the general mechanisms by which pathogenic microorganisms cause disease and damage host cells, tissues, and organs.
Through a combination of lectures and laboratory sessions, students will gain insights into the molecular and cellular aspects of different infectious agents, general mechanisms of human disease, and the broader implications of microbial infections on public health. Students that complete this module will be equipped with the foundational knowledge in the field of microbiology.
Rigorous Research
This module introduces students to crucial skills required for academic and professional research in today¿s data-driven environment. This module pivots around three core areas; study design, data handling, and the use of specialist software for data analysis in the field of microbiology and immunology. Starting with study design, students will gain an understanding of hypothesis formation, variable selection, experimental controls, and ethical considerations, enabling students to develop reliable, valid, and replicable studies. This module will also highlight various data collection and cleaning techniques, as well as preliminary data analysis. Computational skills will also be realised using specialised software, encompassing data visualization, basic scripting, and data analysis.
Through a combination of lectures, tutorials, and computer workshops, students will gain insights into the theory, knowledge, and practical application of handling and analyzing research data in the field of microbiology and immunology.
Infectious Diseases
The course will build on the fundamentals of microbiology and introduce new topics in bacteriology, mycology, virology and parasitology. Level 5 Immunology (PM-249) is a co-requisite. The course covers the fundamentals of infectious diseases, including clinical aspects, treatment / prevention, and experimental approaches to the study of infectious and parasitic organisms.
Clefydau heintus
Bydd y cwrs yn adeiladu ar sylfeini microbioleg ac yn cyflwyno pynciau newydd ym meysydd bacterioleg, mycoleg, firoleg a pharasitoleg. Mae Imiwnoleg Lefel 5 (PM-249) yn rhagofyniad. Mae'r cwrs yn ymdrin ag egwyddorion sylfaenol clefydau heintus, gan gynnwys agweddau clinigol, triniaeth/atal, ac ymagweddau arbrofol at astudio organebau heintus a pharasitig.
Doctors, patients & the goals of medicine
The educational intention of the module is to allow the student to consider the contemporary practice of Medicine within the United Kingdom. This will include understanding the professional regulation, financial constraints and societal and personal challenges, within which medicine and other healthcare activities are practiced.
Communicating Medical Sciences
¿Nothing in science has any value if it is not communicated¿ (Anne Roe, 1904-1991). An important aspect of the role of scientists concerns the communication of complex scientific ideas and research to both scientist and non-scientist audiences. This module will build upon and explore methods of science communication, including journal papers, abstracts, podcasts (digital audio files), and posters. Students will also be introduced to science communication methods for non-scientist audiences, including public events and health campaigns. Students will be required to write and deliver a journal club podcast, and design an evidence-based public health awareness campaign.
Cyfathrebu ym Maes y Gwyddorau Meddygol
¿Nothing in science has any value if it is not communicated¿ (Anne Roe, 1904-1991). Mae agwedd bwysig ar rôl gwyddonwyr yn ymwneud â chyfleu ymchwil a syniadau gwyddonol cymhleth i gynulleidfaoedd sy'n cynnwys gwyddonwyr a rhai nad ydynt yn wyddonwyr. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn adeiladu ar ddulliau cyfathrebu gwyddonol, gan gynnwys papurau cyfnodolion, crynodebau, podlediadau (ffeiliau sain digidol) a phosteri, ac yn archwilio'r rheini. Bydd myfyrwyr hefyd yn cael eu cyflwyno i ddulliau cyfathrebu gwyddoniaeth ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd nad ydynt yn wyddonwyr, gan gynnwys digwyddiadau cyhoeddus ac ymgyrchoedd iechyd. Bydd gofyn i fyfyrwyr ysgrifennu a chyflwyno podlediad clwb cyfnodolion, a dylunio ymgyrch ymwybyddiaeth iechyd y cyhoedd ar sail tystiolaeth.
Medical Microbiology
This module will bridge together fundamental microbiology concepts with clinical implications by providing a deep dive into the world of pathogens and human diseases. It will explore the natural microbiota of various body systems before identifying common and problematic primary and secondary pathogens which cause disease in these systems. It bridges the gap between basic science and clinical medicine, integrating molecular mechanisms of pathogens with the clinical diseases they cause. This module will then go on to explore the various therapeutic strategies available to treat human infectious diseases and detail the mechanisms by which they exert antimicrobial effects. This module will also highlight mechanisms by which microorganisms become tolerant and/or resistant to antimicrobial agents.
Students will engage with a range of lectures, workshops, and a series of practical sessions to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of microorganisms that cause human disease. Students that complete this module will know how to correctly identify key human pathogens and determine their susceptibility to antimicrobial agents through practical laboratory techniques and associated clinical case reports.
Molecular Metabolism
This module will allow students to dive into the intricate world of molecular metabolism, navigating the cellular pathways that are crucial to life. Starting with the dichotomy of catabolic and anabolic pathways, students will then go on to understand how cells generate energy and synthesise essential cellular components. The key role that enzymes play in the cell will be explored, from accelerating metabolic reactions to specificity and regulation. This module will also highlight the importance of signal transduction, allowing cells to respond appropriately to different external stimuli.
Through a combination of lectures and laboratory sessions, students will gain insights into the inner functions of cells, bridging biochemical pathways with essential regulatory networks that ensure cellular homeostasis. Students that complete this module will be equipped with a firm grasp of cellular metabolism at a molecular level.
Disease Dynamics, Virology
This module offers students an in-depth exploration into the ever-evolving world of viruses. It will explore their molecular structures, replication strategies, and their ability to cause human disease. It will bridge molecular mechanisms with global health implications, shedding light on viruses' epidemiological impact and strategies for control. Students will delve into innovative topics such as viral evolution, emerging infectious diseases, and host-virus co-evolution. This module will then go on to explore advanced diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to human viral infections, including viral genomics, antiviral drug development, and innovative vaccination strategies.
Through an engaging mix of lectures, workshops and laboratory sessions, students will gain an important understanding of virological principles underlying human disease and global health challenges. Students that complete this module will be equipped with a comprehensive knowledge in the field of virology.
Drug Discovery & Development
This module offers students an in-depth look at how novel drugs are discovered and developed from first screening processes, through to clinical testing and production. It will provide an interdisciplinary perspective on development processes, blending elements of molecular biology, pharmacology, and clinical science. An in-depth look at the development process, from target identification to preclinical testing will also be covered, showing how patient morbidity and mortality can be reduced for various communicable and non-communicable diseases. Finally, students will explore vaccine development, blending scientific theory with practical applications, showing how advancements in vaccine technology have changed this dynamic field.
Through an engaging mix of lectures and workshops, students will gain an important understanding of how therapeutics come to market, along with an awareness of the ethical and regulatory challenges. Students that complete this module will be equipped with a comprehensive knowledge of what it takes to discover and develop novel therapeutics.
Being a Medical Scientist
Much of a scientist¿s career is spent writing and speaking about science. The aim of this module is to give students a higher level experience of what being a lead researcher is like, away from the lab bench. Drawing on core knowledge from other modules, students will refine their oral and written communication and learn what leadership skills are needed to succeed in modern science. They will also be challenged to consider ethical aspects of research, including new technologies and the use of animal and human subjects. The module will be highly interactive, taught using informal lectures interspersed with students working in groups.
Capstone Project
The aim of this module is to provide a capstone experience to students¿ learning, through participating in their own enquiry-based research project, with guidance from an academic supervisor. The project may be laboratory or non-laboratory based, but it will always involve a research question that is drawn from the literature, and focused on a topic relevant to the life sciences. It will ask a research question and involve the critical analysis of research findings. Students will refine their oral and written communication skills to a graduate level through an oral presentation and dissertation on their research findings and conclusions.
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
This module will offer an interdisciplinary approach, bridging the gap between computational biology and statistical analysis, essential for understanding and solving complex biological problems. This module guides students through gene detection, genome annotation, and comparative genomics, equipping students with skills to analyse and interpret genomic data. In Addition to this, fundamental concepts and methods in statistical analysis will be explored allowing students to tackle biological problems by applying computational and statistical methods.
Through a combination of lectures, practical sessions and workshops, students will gain insights into data-intensive areas of microbiology and immunology. Students that complete this module will be equipped with computational and statistical analysis skills that will foster a deeper understanding of biological data.
Problematic Pandemics and Infectious Incidences
This module will explore the origin, dissemination, and global impact of disease outbreaks that lead to epidemics and pandemics. Students will approach these topics from various points of view to appreciate the all-encompassing natural to global health crises. Notable example epidemics and pandemics from a wide range of disease types will be covered (such as COVID-19, HIV/AIDS, Influenza, black death, and tuberculosis). Consideration will also be given to diseases that have the potential to impact global populations. Finally, the effects of these diseases on distinct population groups and the cause of population specific effects will be explored.
Through a blend of lectures and interactive workshops, students will be equipped with knowledge to understand the rapid evolution of pathogens, the challenges in public health responses to pandemics, and strategies for mitigation. Moreover, by critiquing historical and current interventions, students that complete this module will be prepared to critically analyse data and contribute to future global health pandemics.
Cutting Edge Concepts in Microbiology & Immunology
This module will guide students through the latest research developments in the fields of microbiology and immunology. It will explore a collection of research topics that represent the diverse research activity at Swansea University based on the research activity of academic staff. Such topics could include microbial pathogenesis, antimicrobial resistance, drug discovery and development, sepsis, autoimmune disorders, and immunotherapy. For each topic covered, students will be provided with an introductory overview, investigate key research methodologies, and explore how this research is advancing our understanding and contributing to the wider scientific community.
Through a series of grouped lectures and workshops, students will gain insights into the diverse research portfolio within Swansea University and how this research contributes to the wider scientific community as we try to improve human health. Students that complete this module will be equipped with expert knowledge in some of the latest research developments in microbiology and immunology.
Manipulating Microorganisms
This module offers a comprehensive exploration into the pivotal role of microorganisms in biotechnology, and the mechanisms by which microorganism can be modified and harnessed for technological advancements. It will explore genetic engineering techniques and how these methods are employed to modify microorganisms for specific tasks, with a focus on technologies that enhance human health such as the production of pharmaceuticals. Students also will learn about fermentation processes and various scale up considerations in industrial microbiology. The regulatory framework governing the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in various industries will be explored.
Through a combination of lectures and workshops, students will gain insights into the beneficial side of microorganisms, and the various biotechnological applications in which they can be used. Students that complete this module will understand the capabilities and limitations of microorganisms in biotechnology and will be equipped to contribute to this rapidly evolving field.
Immunotherapeutic Innovations
This module builds on the student¿s previous knowledge of immunology, with a special focus on the latest innovations in immuno-therapeutics. It will bridge the gap between basic immunological concepts and their application in clinical settings for the betterment of human health. Students will expand basic principles of immune response, tolerance, and evasion, gaining an understanding of how these can be manipulated therapeutically. The module will cover innovative topics such as bispecific antibodies, vaccine development, cellular therapies (like Chimeric Antigen Receptor [CAR] T-cell therapy), and the role of immunology in personalised medicine.
Through a combination of lectures and workshops, students will gain insights into novel technologies that are pushing the field of immuno-therapeutics forward for several human diseases. Students that complete this module will be equipped with expert knowledge in some of the latest research developments in clinical immunology.
Introduction to Human Genetics and Genomics
The Introduction to Human Genetics and Genomics module is a subject-specific module in the MSc Genomic Medicine programme. This unit will provide essential and contemporary knowledge relating to genetic science and genetic disease. The module will prepare participants to understand disease genetics, how genomic medicine can be utilised to elucidate disease mechanisms and biology in the context of genomic medicine. It will provide core knowledge underpinning later modules.
Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease
In this module the student will learn about the genomic structure of infectious agents, implication of acquisition or loss of nucleotides, genes and plasmids on pathogenicity, sensitivity of a pathogen to drug treatment and outbreak control.
Introduction to Human Genetics and Genomics
The Introduction to Human Genetics and Genomics module is a subject-specific module in the MSc Genomic Medicine programme. This unit will provide essential and contemporary knowledge relating to genetic science and genetic disease. The module will prepare participants to understand disease genetics, how genomic medicine can be utilised to elucidate disease mechanisms and biology in the context of genomic medicine. It will provide core knowledge underpinning later modules.
Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease
In this module the student will learn about the genomic structure of infectious agents, implication of acquisition or loss of nucleotides, genes and plasmids on pathogenicity, sensitivity of a pathogen to drug treatment and outbreak control. Students will learn about infection as a cause of national and global morbidity and mortality, transmission of human infections: person to person, food and water-borne, sexually transmitted, vector-borne, prokaryotes, their¿genome, replication and population¿genetics, genomic characterisation of viruses:¿DNA¿and¿RNA¿genomes, single-stranded, double stranded, segmented, genomic comparisons of microbial strains in the context of outbreaks and transmissions in hospitals and the community, laboratory diagnosis, including genomic techniques and technologies, and appropriate sample type, analysis and interpretation of genomic data, and the role of bioinformatics, anti-infective drug action, mutation¿rate and drug resistance, genomic evidence of individual susceptibility to specific infection and the role of genomics in: infectious disease diagnosis, drug selection, resistance, monitoring and epidemic control. The students will also learn how to perform aspects of in-silico analyses on microbial gene sequences, in a workshop setting.