Professor David Gethin

Professor David Gethin

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 295535

Email address

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Welsh language proficiency

Basic Welsh Speaker
Academic Office - A129
First Floor
Engineering East
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Research contribution in the scientific areas that support net shape manufacturing and printing and coating technology.

Net shape manufacturing
Contributed significantly in developing and applying numerical and experimental techniques in casting process variants. Working closely with industry, this has led to documented experimental studies that may be used to benchmark simulation.

Recent work has also led for the first time to an integrated system to simulate the direct variant of the squeeze casting process together with an exploration of optimisation techniques that may be used to define process control.

Powder forming
One of the first to develop and apply numerical schemes to simulate the compaction process using a continuum approach and to support this by exploring methods to characterise the mechanical response of powder together with gathering pressing data for validation.

Undertaken research to develop and apply the combined discrete and finite element approach to powder forming, with emphasis on tabletting. Uniquely, this uses a discrete scheme to capture gross particle movement and a finite element analysis to compute particle deformation, including the ability to use different material models for each particle.

Work in printing and coating research is undertaken within the Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating
During the last ten years, this Centre has undertaken fundamental scientific work on high speed, high volume graphics printing processes.

This has revealed the fundamental understanding that is required to develop these processes scientifically (historically these developments were based on craft knowledge). Drawn on knowledge of thin film hydrodynamics to develop simulation methods and experiments to establish the fundamental process understanding. This work is now being taken forward with current application in the field of polymer electronics and with a future emphasis on biopolymers and biosensing devices.