Doctor as a Practitioner 1
This module provides medical students with the foundation clinical skills required for the practice of medicine. Based on the professional skills domain of the GMC¿s Outcomes for Graduates (2020), and Outcomes for Graduates ¿ Practical Skills and Procedures (2020), this module enables students to develop their skills within a safe but clinically-focused environment.
Doctor as a Professional 1
This module provides medical students with an introduction to professionalism - an approach that is essential for good medical practice. Based on the professional values and behaviours domain of the GMC¿s Outcomes for Graduates (2020), and in particular, professional values, fitness to practise, professional regulation, medical errors and reflection on/in practice, this module enables students to develop and manifest their professionalism within both an academic and a clinical context.
Meddygon, Cleifion a Nodau Meddygaeth
Bwriad addysgol y modiwl yw caniatáu i'r myfyriwr ystyried arfer cyfoes Meddygaeth yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys deall y rheoleiddiad proffesiynol, cyfyngiadau ariannol a'r heriau cymdeithasol a phersonol, y mae meddygaeth a gweithgareddau gofal iechyd eraill yn cael eu hymarfer ynddynt.
Technegau Bioleg Foleciwlaidd
Bydd y modiwl yn darparu sylfaen ddamcaniaethol gadarn ar gyfer ystod gynhwysfawr o dechnegau biofoleciwlaidd a ddefnyddir ar hyn o bryd mewn geneteg foleciwlaidd a biocemeg. Rhoddir pwyslais arbennig ar dechnoleg ail-gyfuno DNA, dilyniannu¿r genhedlaeth nesaf, trawsgrifiadomeg, proteinomeg a sbectrometreg màs.
Doctor as a Practitioner 2
This module enables medical students to further develop their clinical and communication skills, building on the foundations they have learned in Year 1. This module provides medical students with the foundation clinical skills required for the practice of medicine. Based on the professional skills domain of the GMC¿s Outcomes for Graduates (2020), and Outcomes for Graduates ¿ Practical Skills and Procedures (2020), this module enables students to develop their skills within a safe but clinically-focused environment.
Doctor as a Professional 2
This module provides medical students further opportunities to consider professionalism - an approach that is essential for good medical practice. Based on the professional values and behavior's domain of the GMC¿s Outcomes for Graduates (2020) and in particular, professional values with respect to team working, professional boundaries, doctors as teachers and reflection on/in practice, this module enables students further to develop and manifest their professionalism within both an academic and a clinical context.
Meddyg fel Gweithiwr Proffesiynol 1
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn rhoi cyflwyniad i broffesiynoldeb i fyfyrwyr meddygol - ymagwedd sy'n hanfodol ar gyfer ymarfer meddygol da. Yn seiliedig ar barth gwerthoedd ac ymddygiadau proffesiynol Deilliannau i Raddedigion y Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol (2020), ac yn benodol, werthoedd proffesiynol, addasrwydd i ymarfer, rheoleiddio proffesiynol, gwallau meddygol a myfyrio ar/wrth ymarfer, mae'r modiwl hwn yn galluogi myfyrwyr i feithrin a dangos eu proffesiynoldeb mewn cyd-destun academaidd a chlinigol.
Hyd at 100% `Cymraeg¿ ar gael, yn seiliedig ar y lleoliadau
Meddyg fel Gweithiwr Proffesiynol 2
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn rhoi cyfleoedd pellach i fyfyrwyr meddygol ystyried proffesiynoldeb - ymagwedd sy'n hanfodol ar gyfer ymarfer meddygol da. Yn seiliedig ar barth gwerthoedd ac ymddygiad proffesiynol Deilliannau i Raddedigion y Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol (2020) ac yn benodol, werthoedd proffesiynol o ran gweithio mewn tîm, ffiniau proffesiynol, meddygon fel athrawon a myfyrio ar/wrth ymarfer, mae'r modiwl hwn yn galluogi myfyrwyr i feithrin ac amlygu eu proffesiynoldeb ymhellach mewn cyd-destun academaidd a chlinigol.
Hyd at 72% `Cymraeg¿ ar gael, yn seiliedig ar y lleoliadau
Clinical Skills and Placements 1
This module will teach students on the Physician Associate Studies programme the necessary clinical, communication and procedural skills required for clinical practice.
Sgiliau Clinigol a Lleoliadau Gwaith 1
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn addysgu'r sgiliau clinigol, cyfathrebu a gweithdrefnol sy'n ofynnol ar gyfer ymarfer clinigol i fyfyrwyr ar y rhaglen Astudiaethau Cydymaith Meddygol.
Clinical Skills and Placements 2
This module will teach students on the Physician Associate Programme the necessary clinical, communication and procedural skills required for clinical practice.
Sgiliau Clinigol a Lleoliadau Gwaith 2
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn addysgu i fyfyrwyr ar y Rhaglen Cydymaith Meddygol y sgiliau clinigol, cyfathrebu a gweithdrefnol sy'n ofynnol ar gyfer ymarfer clinigol.