The Wellbeing and Disability Service is a self-referral service for students. As a result, we are unable to directly contact students unless they have requested a service from us.
Here is the link to the Student Support Form that your friend could complete should they wish to access our service (or should you feel like you need support, please do not hesitate to complete one for yourself).
We offer a variety of services across both campuses however, no student can be forced to access this service should they not wish to engage with us.
You should also encourage your friend to make contact with their GP to discuss how they have been feeling.
Please note, Student Support Forms are matched to a student’s university email account and communication will only be with this address. Therefore, referral forms MUST be completed by the person seeking support and not a third party.
If your worries are concerning a friend’s long-term medical condition (not mental health), sensory or physical impairment or specific learning difficulties, please encourage them to contact the Wellbeing and Disability Service.