Depending on the nature of the service, CampusLife teams rely on different legal bases for data processing. These include:
Welfare@CampusLife and Faith@CampusLife:
Both teams will usually rely on explicit consent from data subjects following the disclosure of sensitive personal or special category data. Students will be asked to review a consent statement following a disclosure. Students have the right to withdraw consent at any time but this may affect to what extent they can be supported by CampusLife.
Faith@CampusLife offer a service to staff as well as students. Staff will likewise be asked to review a consent statement following a disclosure. Staff have the right to withdraw consent at any time but this may affect to what extent they can be supported by CampusLife.
In certain high-risk circumstances, processing data without explicit consent may be necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person where the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent.
Money@CampusLife, Participation@CampusLife, International@CampusLife and Community@CampusLife:
Processing personal data is necessary for these teams to provide a service that benefits students; therefore, they have a Legitimate Interest to process this data. In the event of a disclosure involving sensitive personal or special category data, these teams will rely on explicit consent from the data subject through the consent statement to process this data.