Equality Networks

Swansea University has a number of established network groups and programmes.

Carers' Network

The Carer’s Group meets every month with the aim of providing support, advice and resources to Working Carers such as our Carer’s Passport. The group is chaired by Maria Cheshire-Allen. ​If you’d like to join the network or would like further information then please email M.Cheshire-Allen@Swansea.ac.uk

Disability Staff Network

The Disability network provides support and networking for colleagues with a disability or chronic health condition and as well as valuable input into university policy practice and decision making. The network is led by Pamela Styles and Matt Garrad. ​If you would like to be added to the email distribution list for relevant news, events or consultation opportunities please email the Network.

LGBT+ Staff Network

The University has a long-established LGBT+ Staff Network, a community dedicated for LGBTQ+ staff members. Their aim is to create an inclusive environment within the university, to celebrate diversity and prioritise creating a safe and inclusive space for LGBTQ+ staff members. They offer a variety of opportunities, including regular social events for enjoying gatherings and celebrations, networking with fellow LGBTQ+ staff members, participating in informative workshops and training sessions on LGBTQ+ inclusivity and related topics, and access to resources and guidance on matters relevant to the community. The network is co-chaired by Freya Michaud and Daf Turner. If you're an LGBTQ+ staff member interested in joining our network or have any questions, please reach out to the Network at lgbtplus@swansea.ac.uk. They look forward to welcoming you to the community

LGBT+ Allies Programme

The LGBT+ Ally Group is open for all staff who don’t identify as LGBT+ but want to support LGBT+ equality. The aim of the group is to strive for equality and inclusion in the workplace. As an LGBT+ Ally you will contribute to the culture of effective equality and challenge discrimination. The Allies Programme is chaired by David Bolton. Get in touch with the LGBT+ Allies team if you would like to become an ally.

Mary Williams Group

The Mary Williams Group is a network of senior women across the University. The group aims to share information and good practice, promote gender equality in their areas and act as role models. Actively promote development opportunities and progression of women for their area, including mentoring, CV workshops, promotions guidance. The co-chairs for the Mary Williams Group are Jocelyn Finniear, Joanne Berry and Louise Huxtable-Thomas.​ To join the Mary Williams group, please get in touch via marywilliamsgroup@swansea.ac.uk

Neurodivergent Staff Group

The University has a Neurodivergent Staff Group that welcomes new members. Neurodivergent people include those who are Autistic, dyslexic, dyspraxic, dyscalculic, ADHDers etc. The group provides a confidential space for support and networking for neurodivergent colleagues, both diagnosed and self-identifying. It also provides advice to line managers on how to better to support their colleagues. The group is led by Aimee Grant. To join the Neurodivergent Staff Group please email aimee.grant@swansea.ac.uk

SIREN (Swansea International Race Equality Network)

The University offers colleagues opportunities to share experiences through our Swansea International Race Equality Network (SIREN). SIREN is a consultative, support and social group that, through the Co-Chairs, provides a link between the University and colleagues with an interest in promoting race equality. The aim of the group is enhancing the experience of ethnic minority colleagues, promoting race equality through active consultation and involvement on race issues. Providing an opportunity to share experiences, best practices and a safe space to network, contributing to colleague development and awareness-raising in relation to equality. Providing support, guidance and signposting, providing a forum to voice opinions to the Equality Committee and providing a social opportunity for colleagues. The network is co-chaired by Amira Guirguis and Adesola Ademiloye. To join SIREN, please get in touch via siren@swansea.ac.uk

efc (employers for carers) logo
LGBT+ Staff network logo
LGBT+ Ally logo