The Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL) organised its sixth webinar of 2021 on June 9th with the participation of 4 expert speakers:
- Dr Regina Assariotis (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) considered the impact of the global pandemic on international sale contracts;
- Philippa Hopkins QC (Essex Court Chambers) provided a similar, fascinating analysis on charterparty contracts;
- Professor Baughen (IISTL) in his talk considered how bill of lading contracts have been affected from the pandemic; and
- Dr Amaxilati (IISTL) deliberated the legal and practical position seafarers found themselves in during the pandemic.
The IISTL were delighted that the event attracted participants not only from UK but from different parts of Europe, Asia and America. Their questions to the panel made for a very interesting debate.
The IISTL’s next Webinar will be held on 30 June focusing on recent law of the sea issues.