The Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL) is proud to announce that the work of three of its members has been cited in the recent consultation paper of the Law Commission of England and Wales on Aviation Autonomy (Consultation Paper 261).
Shawcross and Beaumont on Air Law, of which Professor George Leloudas is the General Editor, has been referred to in the paper more than any other publication, highlighting its prominent role in transport law and the influence of Professor Leloudas on aviation matters.
Also, one of the recent articles of Professors Soyer and Tettenborn on “Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability – Do We Need A New Regime?” [(2022) International Journal of Law and Information Technology 385] has been cited in the paper on several occasions underscoring the impact their research is playing on advancing knowledge in machine learning and liability laws.
This is an excellent demonstration of how the members of the IISTL are delivering cutting-edge research capable of shaping the future direction of transport law and the trajectory of academic discourse.