Swansea LLM Alumni at Kennedys
The Law School and the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL) enjoy close relationships with a range of international employers, based both in London and abroad.
These relationships provide excellent networking opportunities for students, and in the last decade the number of Swansea’s LLM graduates working in the City of London (in law firms and the insurance, banking and tech sectors) has increased dramatically.
In November 2023, a number of Swansea LLM graduates met at Kennedys’ London office for lunch. The School is grateful to Kennedys for the opportunity of bringing together members of its alumni community, whilst enabling them to enhance their networks and make new acquaintances.
We hope to continue the practice of encouraging our alumni (not only in London, but those based everywhere around the world) to meet regularly and stay in touch with us. We would be delighted to share the news about the IISTL and Swansea with them, and to talk to them about our new teammates and the introduction of our new LLM programme in Legal Tech in Commercial Law.