Representation, Progression, and Success for All.

Breaking the Bias

Professor Michellle Lee, COO Niamh Lamond, Dr Laura Wilkinson, Professor Emeritus Diane Kelly, VC Professor Paul Boyle, and Professor Emeritus Joy Merrell.

The Athena SWAN Charter recognises and celebrates good employment practice for women working in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) in higher education and research.  

We're committed to reduce gender inequalities in the advancement of academics’ careers and is already the bearer of a Silver Award from the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU). Within the University, the School of Health and Social Care and the School of Psychology were the first of the university to be distinguished with its own award.

The Athena SWAN Charter is a scheme run by the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU), which recognises advancement of gender equality in terms of representation, profession and success for all.

The Charter covers men and women in academic, professional, support and student roles in relation to their: 

  • Representation
  • Progression into Academia
  • Journey through career milestones
  • Working Environment

We are actively implementing our Silver Award action plan to ensure that all members of staff and student are equally represented through working groups in: 

  • Data
  • Career Progression
  • Communication and Culture
  • Clinical Academics

Our Joint Self-Assessment Team

Our Joint Self-Assessment Team covers the School of Health and Social Care and the School of Psychology.

Dr Laura Wilkinson

Associate Professor, Psychology
Available For Postgraduate Supervision

Professor Michelle Lee

Deputy Executive Dean, Medicine Health and Life Science
+44 (0) 1792 295281

Dr Zubeyde Bayram-Weston

Senior Lecturer, Healthcare Science
Available For Postgraduate Supervision

Career Progression Working Group

Dr Luke Jefferies

Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Available For Postgraduate Supervision

Data Working Group

Dr Alex Jones

Senior Lecturer, Psychology
Available For Postgraduate Supervision

Communications Working Group

Dr Anna Seager

Research Culture Manager, Research Engagement & Innovation Services
Available For Postgraduate Supervision

Organisation and Culture Working Group

Mrs Ingrid Pritchard

Associate Professor, Nursing
+44 (0) 1792 602876

Dr Filiz Celik

Tutor in Psychology, Psychology
Available For Postgraduate Supervision
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