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Swansea University’s Health and Wellbeing Academy (HWA) will begin providing osteopathy services to the general public again from Monday 7 September.
Based at the University’s Singleton Park Campus, the Health and Wellbeing Academy offers a range of affordable and flexible services to support the community of south-west Wales and to complement the services provided by the NHS.
The team of osteopathy students and staff can help support a wide range of conditions including back pain, repetitive strain injury, arthritis, sports injuries, neck pain, postural problems and pain during pregnancy.
Extensive health and safety measures have been introduced at the HWA to ensure that all patients can benefit safely from the services. These measures include:
- A screening process over the phone for new patients.
- Regular deep cleaning of all areas within the HWA.
- A maximum of two people in the waiting area at one time.
- Procedures to ensure safe distancing and reduced physical contact.
- Contactless payments and pre-payments.
- HWA staff and students in PPE.
- Patients will be required to bring their own face mask and refreshments.
- The introduction of one-way systems and hand sanitiser stations.
Osteopathy services in the HWA will be open 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday. Details of reopening other services within the clinic will be announced soon.
Director of the Health and Wellbeing Academy, Julia Pridmore said: “On behalf of the osteopathic team and everyone at the Health and Wellbeing Academy I am delighted to be able to extend a warm welcome back to our osteopathy students and patients.
“We are excited to be able to resume our high quality, student led osteopathic services and pleased that we can continue to play our part in supporting the wellbeing of our community at the Health and Wellbeing Academy.
“I am personally very grateful for the hard work, and commitment of our academic, clinical and professional service teams in ensuring that we are very well prepared to deliver a high quality professional service in a Covid secure environment.”
Staff in the osteopathy department recently received a prestigious Excellence in Team Teaching Award from the University after their outstanding teaching was nominated by students.
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