Swansea University is set to play a key role in shaping the skills needed for the workforce to achieve Net Zero, after gaining funding from the Swansea Bay City Deal’s Skills and Talent programme to establish the Net Zero Wales (NØW) Skills project.
The project aims to create a knowledge exchange network to support the region’s businesses, Schools, FE (Further Education) and HE (Higher Education) institutes in readiness for the future across the key emerging sectors of energy and manufacturing.
This is aligned with the Welsh Government and Local Authority's prime investments towards achieving Net Zero goals and building economic resilience. In collaboration and cooperation with industry and academia, Swansea University’s NØW Skills will deliver a flexible model that utilises advances in online guided learning, in-person teaching and practical sessions.
Participants can access short, CPD or credit bearing micro-credential courses and use these to build qualifications or simply to gain the skills needed for their role.
The project will also undertake outreach work with Schools and Colleges across the region to assist in future proofing the workforce with the Net Zero knowledge and skills required.
Project lead Dr Khalil Khan from the Faculty of Science and Engineering said:
“The next major industrial challenge is decarbonisation and the focus on skills in this area is critical to the success of Wales” ambitions to reach Net Zero. It is readily acknowledged that the identification, development, and delivery of skills will be essential in achieving the decarbonisation aspiration so that the current workforce and businesses remain competitive and there is a pipeline of talent coming through from schools, Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) institutions.”
The Skills and Talent programme lead, Jane Lewis, from South-West Wales City Deal added:
“This project will help contribute to address the green skill gaps in the private and public sectors in and around manufacturing related industries. The courses will build knowledge, skills and identify education/career pathways to support Wales in meeting the national net zero goals.”
The programme has been developed with industry partners to target the skills needed in manufacturing settings. After the 1-year pilot, it is hoped it will be expanded nationally and internationally, increasing job opportunities and the talent pipeline across the region, in Wales and beyond.
For further details email fse-netzeroskills@swansea.ac.ukor visit the NØW Skills website.