Project DRAGON-S

DRAGON-S Project logo

The internet offers great opportunities to learn and connect with others, it also has a dark side, where children are vulnerable. Offenders often use language to form a relationship with the children they prey on, to gain and then betray children’s trust, exploiting children’s wonderful sociability, kind-heartedness, and curiosity.

DRAGON (Developing Resistance Against Grooming Online) is a digital technology innovation programme hosting a growing portfolio of research projects that improve practices to keep children safe from technology-assisted sexual exploitation and abuse, including online grooming.


Our research and development team has developed, piloted and had independently evaluated two state-of-the-art, ethically-responsible tools to help detect (DRAGON-Spotter) and prevent (DRAGON-Shield) online grooming.

We have also embarked on related projects: DRAGON+ (Developing Resistance Against Grooming Online – Stories Strengthened Safeguards) and C2CHAT.

Our work is underpinned by a strong co-creation ethos. We work collaboratively with hundreds of individuals (child safeguarding practitioners, children, live experience experts, researchers) and multiple organisations across Wales, the UK, Africa, Europe, Oceania and the Americas.  Most of our research is applied to English language environments, whilst also paving the way for extension to other languages.

Find out more about our research.

 If you would like to contact us, please email:


In this video Principal Investigator Professor Nuria Lorenzo-Dus talks about how Project DRAGON-S is using expertise in linguistics, artificial intelligence, criminology, public policy and psychology – and working with partners from around the world including child protection NGOs, policy makers and law enforcement agencies – to develop ethically responsible tools to protect children from online grooming.


DRAGON-S is primarily funded by Safe Online Initiative at End Violence (DRAGON-S) and the Tech Coalition Safe Online Research Fund (DRAGON+), as well as the United Kingdom’s Research and Innovation Fund (Arts and Humanities Research Council Impact Acceleration Account) and the European Union Regional Development Fund (Legal Innovation Lab). 



Spotter tool

Dragon Spotter tool

The DRAGON-Spotter tool integrates Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to detect online grooming content, pinpointing the manipulative language tactics that groomers use: from making children feel emotionally isolated to communicating sexual intent implicitly and explicitly to them.

DRAGON-Spotter is designed to aid law enforcement’s online grooming detection work and can therefore have a significant impact on our ability to keep children safe from online grooming.

Shield Tool

Dragon-S Shield Tool

DRAGON-Shield is an interactive, multi-media training portal that relays specialist knowledge to child safeguarding practitioners about groomers’ and children’s communicative behaviour during online grooming.

The DRAGON-Shield tool can strengthen child safeguarding practitioners’ ability to prevent children from being sexually groomed online.