C2CHAT is a HEFCW (Higher Education Funding Council for Wales) funded project (2023) which aims to counter an escalating social issue that affects many children and young people (CYP) globally and in Wales: online, peer-on-peer sexual harassment.

Online, peer-on-peer sexual is unwanted sexual behaviour between CYP that takes place on digital platforms. Crucially, such behaviour is communicatively channelled, that is, it happens through textual (sexual threats etc, whether spoken/ recorded or typed) and visual (images, links to videos etc.) channels.  C2CHAT pioneers the analysis of CYP communication, with a focus on language, in contexts of online, peer-on-peer sexual harassment. The results are synergistically integrated with those derived from co-creation workshops with CYP, child safeguarding practitioners and parents/carers. Together, they help inform the development of training resources for child safeguarding practitioners and parents/carers to help them support CYP and thus collectively counter online, peer-on-peer sexual harassment.

C2CHAT Report and Blueprint 

Following the completion of a systematic literature review of child-to-child sexual abuse online, two rounds of co-creation sessions with practitioners and parents/carers across Wales and with CYP (facilitated by Youth Cymru), and a linguistic analysis of online, child-to-child abuse conversations, C2CHAT has collating its findings within a Child to Child Abuse Talk (C2CHAT) Project Report and the following C2CHAT Blueprint. This blueprint will guide the development of effective training in relation to this important issue.

Project Partners:

Welsh Government
Tarian ROCU
Youth Cymru

Project team members:

Professor Nuria Lorenzo-Dus (Director)
Ruth Mullineux-Morgan (Deputy director and Researcher)
Keighley Perkins (Researcher)
Leonie Themelidis (Researcher)
Lara MacNeill (Project officer)

For more information about the C2CHAT project, please email n.lorenzo-dus@swansea.ac.uk or r.n.mullineux@swansea.ac.uk.