South West Wales Reaching Wider Partnership

Who Are We And What Do We Do?

The South West Wales Reaching Wider Partnership aims to increase participation in higher education by people from underrepresented groups and communities in South West Wales with a specific focus on people who live within the bottom 40% of the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation, care experienced young people, and carers. 

We are funded by the Medr Reaching Wider Programme and our partners are Swansea University, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Coleg Sir Gâr, Gower College Swansea, NPTC Group of Colleges, Pembrokeshire College, Careers Wales, local authorities and schools in South West Wales.

Through collaboration, we offer a range of inspiring learning and attainment raising activities for targeted children, young people and adults across South West Wales which create pathways to higher education. We work mainly with schools and families and offer activities ranging from short study skills sessions to residential experiences.

Feedback from teachers about the programme:

"As a teacher, I feel the event was perfectly pitched at students of this age - it certainly provided challenge, yet the organisation and well-thought out structure of the day meant that students could remain engaged and that even the more difficult aspects were accessible. The resources are entirely appropriate and can now be used within the school!"  Teacher from St Joseph's Roman Catholic School and 6th Form Centre

“Working with student volunteers has helped to raise aspiration and help pupils to understand that they are similar to many students in University.” Teacher from Dylan Thomas Community School

“Becoming familiar with higher education, and developing the knowledge and skills needed for higher education, has had a major impact on pupils” Teacher from Bishop Vaughan Catholic School 

“Reaching Wider has always given our pupils the opportunity to believe in their ambitions and that nothing is out of their reach” Teacher from Bishop Gore School

For more information contact:

Tel: 01792 602 128
