Episode 11: Using Algae to Clean up Industry Waste Fumes


Currently, there is a massive drive to solve global warming and to minimise the effects waste gases have on the environment.

Dr Emily Preedy’s research focuses on using waste Carbon Dioxide to help grow algae to clean up waste fumes from local industry. Emily talks about her work, the many useful properties of algae and the little things we can do to reduce our carbon footprint.


Emily obtained her BSc (Hons) in Forensic Science at Glamorgan University and went on to complete an MSc in Nanomedicine at Swansea University, later gaining a PhD in Bionanotechnology at Cardiff University investigating the effects of nanoparticles on the longevity of implanted biomedical devices.

She has been involved in projects relating to biomedical applications: artificial lung development at Haemair Ltd, photoreactive polymer laser therapy to reduce bacterial infection, as well as clinical trials of a minimally invasive continuous blood glucose device.

Currently, Emily is adapting her interdisciplinary skill set to reduce industrial Carbon emissions by using natural resources, algae, and waste flue gases from TATA steel.

Emily is curious about learning and developing her ‘jack of all trades’ ability to push boundaries in the projects she works on; her main passion is to help develop technologies that will help individuals with type 1 diabetes lead a normal life.

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