Dr Daniel Curtis

Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering

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Welsh language proficiency

Intermediate Welsh Speaker
Office - 410
Fourth Floor
Engineering North
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Dr Curtis’ interests involve the development of advanced rheometry for the study of Complex Fluids.

His work on advanced manufacturing and healthcare applications involves techniques for studying fluid microstructural responses to flows under conditions of manufacturing process and clinical relevance.

His rheometric, imaging and molecular dynamics simulation studies of biopolymers have involved combined viscoelastic and spectral analysis of gel network development and have contributed to improved understanding of blood clot evolution.

He is also developing NMR and microrheometric methods for studying flow within soft solids and complex fluids.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Rheometry
  • Haemorheology
  • Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow
  • NMR Diffusometry
  • Fractal Aggregation and Analysis
  • Fluorescence Microscopy.