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Dr Michael Harrison

Lecturer in Criminology (Enhanced Research), Criminology, Sociology and Social Policy
Office - 328
Third Floor
Keir Hardie Building
Singleton Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Dr Mike Harrison joined the Department of Criminology, Sociology, and Social Policy at Swansea University in 2022.  He has worked in academia since 2010 where he has taught undergraduate and postgraduate criminology students, and new police officer recruits on several Police Education Qualification Framework courses. 

Mike has numerous research interests predominately related to policing.  Prior to starting his PhD in 2015, Mike had already published and worked on projects related to public order policing.  His PhD research critically analysed a local police force’s interpretation of, and practices related to public order policing guidelines.  Mike also has an interest and has published papers and book chapters on police identity in Wales, policing and criminal justice within the devolved governance in Wales, and the influence and effect of neoliberalism on policing.  Beyond policing, Mike is also interested in critical criminology and zemiology. 

In 2015, Mike was invited to Ankara, Turkey as a consultant on the ‘Improvement of the Crime Analysis and Prevention Capacity in Turkey’ project funded by a variety of government and non-governmental departments.  The project’s main aim was to increase safety and security of the population through the development and improvement of the institutional capacity of the Gendarmerie and Turkish National Police to carry out crime analysis and assessment more effectively.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Public order policing
  • Crowd disorder
  • Policing and criminal justice in Wales
  • Justice in the devolved nations of the U.K.
  • Neoliberalism
  • Police identity and culture

Career Highlights



  • Harrison, M. (2020) 'Public Order Police Management: An Analysis of a Local Force'. Centre for Criminology Talks, University of South Wales, 8 Jan
  • Harrison, M. (2017) ‘Some thoughts on accountability in public order policing’. Welsh Centre for Crime and Social Justice. Gregynog Hall, 2 May 
  • Harrison, M. (2016) 'Policing pickets or police picketing- a critical review of the contradictory messages of the Trade Union Bill 2015-16 and contemporary public order police strategy'. UK/Irish Branch of European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control. Abertay University, 31st March
  • Burton, P., Davies, R. and Harrison, M. (2015) ‘A Research Investigation in Children’s and Young People’s Perceptions and Experiences of Peer Groups or Gang Activities in the City of Southampton’. Southampton City Council’s Community Safety Office 
  • Harrison, M. and Adlard, J. (2014) 'Proactive Policing- a case study review of language used in public orderpolice settings’. Southampton Solent University Criminology Research Group, 30 April
  • Harrison, M., Hayes, M. and Norris, P. (2010) ‘Football Hooliganism and Public Order Policing: The Contested Interface between Cultural Identity and Security’. Laurie McMenemy Football Research Centre, Southampton Solent University, 19 May