Professor Siraj Shaikh

Professor in Systems Security, Computer Science

Email address

Office - 413
Fourth Floor
Computational Foundry
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Siraj Shaikh is a Professor in Systems Security at Swansea University (UK). His research interests lie at the intersection of cybersecurity, systems engineering and computer science addressing cyber-physical systems security for automotive and transport systems. He is also Co-Founder and Chief Scientist at CyberOwl, which is dedicated to risk analytics and security monitoring for the maritime sector.

Siraj is also currently a Visiting Professor in the Research Group on Security, Risks Management and Conflict (SEGERICO) at Nebrija University (Spain).

Previously, he has also held Royal Academy of Engineering’s Industry Fellowship hosted at HORIBA MIRA (2015-2016). His research has been funded by EPSRC, ESRC, Lloyds Register Foundation (LRF), DSTL, British Council and Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng).

Siraj has been involved in research, development and evaluation of large-scale distributed secure systems for over twenty-two years. His doctoral and post-doctoral research involved design and verification of security and safety-critical systems.

Siraj has recently co-authored a book on Formal Methods for Software Engineering Languages, Methods, Application Domains published by Springer (2022).