An aerial view of Bay Campus, with the sea stretching into the horizon.
Headshot of Professor Tunyi Abongeh

Professor Tunyi Tunyi Abongeh

Professor in Accounting and Finance, Accounting and Finance
Office 215 - 215
Second Floor
School of Management
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Tunyi is a Professor in Accounting and Finance at the School of Management. He holds a BSc in Accounting, a Master of Finance (MFin) with distinction (University of Glasgow) and a PhD in Finance and Accounting (University of Glasgow). He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). Before joining Swansea University, Tunyi held various research, teaching and leadership roles at the University of Glasgow, Liverpool Hope University and the University of Sheffield.

Tunyi’s research explores contemporary issues at the intersection of accounting, finance and management. His work is published in world-leading and internationally-excellent academic journal outlets including: the Journal of Corporate Finance; European Accounting Review; Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Journal of Business Finance and Accounting; International Business Review and Journal of Business Research, amongst several others. He is an adhoc reviewer and editorial board member for different leading journals, as well as an external examiner at different institutions.

Tunyi has supervised several PhDs to completion and has externally examined PhDs at different UK institutions. He welcomes proposals from potential PhD students with innovative and ambitious projects.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Market-based accounting
  • Corporate finance
  • Earnings management
  • Corporate governance and boards
  • Financial reporting
  • Sustainability, ESG, Climate change
  • Finance and accounting in emerging economies