Sriram Karthikeyan Raajesh Prabhu
- Country:
- India
- Course:
- MSc Advanced Computer Science
I chose Swansea University for my Advanced Computer Science, MSc, because it offers the range of information and skills required for continued study and research. You can choose from various course modules, including Big data and Machine Learning, Visual Analytics, and Web Application.
I am currently studying Advanced Computer Science, MSc. I am from Madurai, a city in Tamil Nadu, India. I am doing a master's in Advanced Computer Science and working as a Student Ambassador as my part-time work. I am about to start to work on my Project the next semester after completing my second-semester exams successfully.
The most interesting aspect of the course was learning about the new algorithms for improving a problem solution. The other excellent part is using a concept learnt in class to complete assignments. The best learning outcome for me is when I complete assignments individually and figure out the output.
The Lecturers are very supportive in clearing any queries. I would reach out to them after the session ended for clearing that session’s doubts. I would reach them during their office hours, if else. Some lecturers create a discussion board on the module’s canvas page, and I would reach out to them over there for coursework-related queries.
I find the course very flexible. I could get into my coursework without worrying about clashingwith my other activities. My favourite module from last semester is Web ApplicationDevelopment and
Human Computer Interaction in the present semester. I learnt Laravel, a PHP-based web framework. It would be helpful in my desire to work in a
software development environment. I learnt about Altair, a python library. It would help me to visualize data and understand the meaning of those data.
I reached out to our careers team in Bay Campus after I didn’t get the Teaching Assistant job, and they let me know of the Student Ambassador job as I was looking for a part-time. I would advise the prospective students to gather knowledge from the Careers team.
For societies I follow Swansea Indian and Tamil Society. I have been to some of their events. I got involved in a quiz event by the Computer Society of Swansea. The sports facilities at
the Bay Campus are a fantastic addition. I see students get frequently involved in the gym and the basketball ground
My favourite things about the course is:
- Module outcomes
- Lecturers and their guidance
- Courseworks
And my favourite things about the area are:
- Swansea is famed for its breathtaking backdrop, and beautiful language of Welsh. Behind these vistas, Swansea offers an assortment of universities, including Swansea University. Swansea University has the best of both worlds, with dazzling seafront sceneries and outstanding learning qualities.
- Swansea and Cardiff collectively housing several IT enterprises like Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle is also a cherry on the top. By learning about emerging technologies like Big Data, and Machine learning, I would be able to refine my knowledge which will be valuable to my progress in my career. Through the prospects offered by my course, I will be able to ready for the challenges that I will encounter in my future career.
- The University also provides career guidance and employment opportunities under Swansea's Employability Academy (SEA). It will help us get better in touch with the industry and comprehend that our education and experience are in tandem.
I would suggest anyone considering applying at Swansea University to go for it. As for what I witnessed, the faculties help clear any course-related queries. Learning about new technologies is encouraged here, which would be plus in anyone’s book.