If you are trying to decide where to live when you move to Swansea, there are many reasons to choose University managed accommodation.
When asked what people love about Swansea University, one of the most common answers is that people instantly feel at home, and part of the community.
A huge part of that sense of community is born from students forming friendships in their university accommodation. From cooking dinner with flatmates, to getting ready for nights out, and chilled evenings in communal social areas, living in university accommodation provides endless opportunities to forge strong bonds with those around you.
Living with students also studying at Swansea University creates a shared experience, and sense of pride that you will likely carry with you long after you graduate.

On campus facilities
Across both campuses, you have access to a wealth of incredible facilities, and if you live in university accommodation, they are literally on your doorstep!
Beaches, social spaces (including a new Games Room on Singleton Campus), sporting facilities, libraries, places to eat, shops, laundrettes, theatres – all of these can be found within walking distance, or just a short bus ride away from your university accommodation.
Everything you need all in one place, meaning less time travelling and more time to maximise your university experience.
The safety of our students and staff is paramount at Swansea University, so you can feel confident that we are committed to ensuring that living on campus is as safe as possible.
We have a friendly team of security professionals on campus 24/7, offering emergency response, crime prevention, security patrols, first aid, mental first aid and suicide intervention, and CCTV monitoring.
We also operate a personal safety app called Safezone, which provides instant access to our security team. Safezone covers both campuses, residences, Swansea Bay Sports Park, Margam and Baglan.
Finally, living in university managed accommodation means you have peace of mind knowing that if something goes wrong, there is a reliable team available to help.

Outside space
In Swansea, we are incredibly lucky to have award winning outside spaces, with the Gower being awarded the UK's first Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Singleton and Bay Campus’ grounds both have Green Flag status, and our campuses are within walking distance of beaches, with Singleton Campus also adjoining Singleton Park, a 250-acre green park with Botanical Gardens.
Sounds like a pretty idyllic setting to open your curtains to every morning, doesn’t it? Being outdoors is incredibly important for mental and physical health and wellbeing, so living in university accommodation provides the perfect location for enjoying the great outdoors.