On 20 September 2014, College of Arts and Humanities alumna Becky Burgoyne met her partner, Joe Davies, when they were housed together on the third floor of Preseli.
Becky's Memory
Six years ago, almost exactly, on the 20th September 2014 I met my partner Joe in the little corridor/alcove (on the end closest to the kitchen) on Floor 3 of Preseli building on Singleton Campus where we both lived for our first year. I was in 3/18 and Joe was in 3/05.
Note to the people living in rooms 06/16 - we called this the second kitchen when we were there!
In the six years since then, we have both completed our BA degrees in Swansea, moved to Yorkshire for a year, moved back to Swansea to complete our MA degrees, moved to London for a year, and have *just* moved back to Swansea to live permanently - we've never been able to leave without wanting to come back to the place we first met!

As of now I'm completing a PhD in Medieval Studies at the University of Bristol, and Joe works as a Statistician for the Welsh Government.
Being assigned to my room on Floor 3 changed my life in many ways, and my time at Swansea was beyond my wildest expectations for so many reasons - but the best thing was definitely meeting Joe.
We can't ever thank Residential Services enough for placing us in those rooms!

P.S - I've included a photo of my flat all squashed into that same alcove! I think it's pretty clear how much we all loved our time at Swansea!
PPS. We're the ones in the green dress and the bow tie in the last photograph!