Work during and after studies


In order to find out more about visa regulations for working as a student, National Insurance and income tax please read the information in our International Students and Employment leaflet 

Please note that standard taught Masters programme students cannot work full time during the Summer/whilst they are working on their dissertation*. This is because it is not classed as formal University vacation for those cohorts and they are subject to the reduced working hours (normally 20 hours/week). Please see the above leaflet for further information regarding this.

*NB: Currently, the only exception to this are students on the 16 month M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence (AI) programme. 

Working once you have finished your course
Once you have finished your studies you can work full time (without hourly restrictions). The end of your studies is classed as either the course end date as stated on your last CAS or, if you have had resits or repeats, the new course end date which is stated on your Student Statement. You must use whichever date is later. You do not need, and will not get, University 'permission' to work full time after your course. An employer needs to verify your Right to Work with the Home Office - further information can be found on the leaflet above. You can/should evidence you have completed you course by accessing a Student Statement - which has your course dates on it.

How can I access a Student Statement?
A Student Statement/Proof of Enrolment letter is available to all enrolled students. This will have your dates of study plus the UK address that the University has on file for you. You can access this letter yourself from your Gradintelligence account. More information can be found on the MyUniHub page here.

How can I find a job?

Please see the University's Swansea Employability Academy website for advice and help to find temporary and part-time jobs.

How do I get a National Insurance Number (NI.No)?

Please watch this short video regarding International Students: National Insurance Number

Your rights at work

Workers and employees in the UK are entitled to certain employment rights including:

It is important that you are aware of your employment rights to help you recognise if you are at risk of being exploited by your employer or at risk of becoming a victim of modern slavery

Your employer should not:

  • Confiscate your passport or other ID document from you
  • Ask you to pay a recruitment fee
  • Tell you to work an excessive number of hours*
  • Pay you below the minimum hourly wage
  • Pay you ‘in-kind’ e.g. force you to live in accommodation provided by the employer instead of payment for your work
  • Force you to work against your will
  • Coerce you to do things that you are uncomfortable with, or that you think might be illegal

If you experience any of the above or you think you might be a victim of exploitation by an employer, please contact International@CampusLife for advice immediately.  

*Remember as a Student visa holder you can work between 10 – 20 hours per week during term time, depending on your course. The restrictions placed on you by your visa overrides any maximum number of working hours permitted under general employment rights.  Please take a look at our International Students and Employment leaflet at the top of this page so you can understand what work you are allowed to do when holding a Student visa.

If you would like advice about your employment rights or have an issue with your employer and/or prospective employer the Students' Union Advice and Support Centre offers free and confidential advice to Swansea University students.