For your photo to be accepted:
- It must be a clear, passport style and recent headshot of you.
- You should be facing forward and looking straight at the camera.
- Your eyes must be open and clearly visible with no sunglasses or tinted glasses
- You should not have hair covering your eyes.
- The photo must be of your full head, without any covering, unless it is worn for religious beliefs or medical reasons.
- The photo must be of you on your own, with no other people visible.
- The photo must be in colour, not black and white.
- Be vertical and portrait orientation.
- Be approximately 150 pixels wide by 180 pixels high and .jpg format.
Resizing Images
Please note that it may be necessary to reduce the image size or resolution, particularly if taking the photo on a newer mobile phone or other modern device. Guidance for this varies depending on the make and model but you should look for 'resize image' in your settings. Another workaround, is to screenshot the image you wish to upload, as this usually saves a lower resolution copy, and then upload the screenshot.
Example Images
The example images below on the left (with red crosses) show photos which don't meet the photo guidelines. The example images on the right (with green ticks) show photos which meet the guidelines and can be accepted.