Our Research Highlights

  • We are (Ranked 4th in UK) Top 5 for overall research quality
  • We have sustained Top 5 position since REF2014
  • Increase in overall GPA from 3.49 to 3.53 since REF2014
  • 97% of our research outputs rated as world-leading or internationally excellent
  • 48% of our research outputs rated as world-leading
  • 90% of our impact rated as world-leading and internationally excellent 60% of our impact rated as world-leading
  • 100% of our environment was assessed as being world-leading or internationally excellent (i.e., conducive to producing research of world-leading quality and enabling impact in terms of its vitality and sustainability)
  • 87.75% of our environment was assessed as world-leading (i.e. being conducive to producing research of world-leading quality and enabling outstanding impact in terms of its vitality and sustainability)
  • Research income has grown from a total of £40.8m reported in REF2014 to over £94.6m reported in REF2021 – an increase of 132%.
  • We have grown our PGR cohort from 60 in 2013/2014 to 162 in 2019/2020, an increase of 170%


"Our research and in particular what impact we have on the world is so important to us and to see that our work has been rated within the UK top 10 for world-leading impact is a tremendous success for our research area."


Our Vision

Our aim is to develop a sustainable pipeline of talent and diversify our funding portfolio by maximising interdisciplinary research opportunities through focussed research which responds to the challenges of key global health issues.

Our Environment

Swansea University Medical School (SUMS) trains tomorrow’s biomedical scientists, pharmacists, physician associates and doctors in a supportive and inclusive research environment. This environment gives our researchers freedom to undertake interdisciplinary and collaborative research, develop innovative approaches to health-related problems, and expand the knowledge economy.

Our Outputs

Within the REF period, we have published over 2,500 peer reviewed journal articles, many as a result of interdisciplinary and global collaborations. Our outputs are routinely deposited in the University-maintained CRONFA open-access repository, making them discoverable, free to read, downloadable, and searchable by anyone with an internet connection. Our PGR community are active contributors, with 22% of the papers selected for our REF2021 submission co-authored by our students.

Our Impact

Our research strategy places an emphasis achieving real-world impact on clinical practice, health and wellbeing through innovation, technology and research excellence. Our research has been pivotal in broadening scientific understanding of the toxicological risks of nanomaterials and the role of cholesterol in human health and diseases, in facilitating the development of novel antifungals, and in the use of big data to transform mental health understanding, care and outcomes for young people and to avoid costly and unnecessary medical interventions for the NHS

Our Community

Meet the Swansea University Medical School staff and postgraduate community